chemfp API

This chapter contains the docstrings for the public portion of the chemfp API.

chemfp top-level module

The following functions and classes are in the top-level chemfp module., format=None, location=None)

Read fingerprints from a fingerprint file

Read fingerprints from source, using the given format. If source is a string then it is treated as a filename. If source is None then fingerprints are read from stdin. Otherwise, source must be a Python file object supporting the read and readline methods.

If format is None then the fingerprint file format and compression type are derived from the source filename, or from the name attribute of the source file object. If the source is None then the stdin is assumed to be uncompressed data in “fps” format.

The supported format strings are “fps”, “fps.gz” for fingerprints in FPS format and compressed FPS format, respectively.

This version of chemfp does not support the FPB format. Trying to use the “fpb” format will raise a NotImplementedError.

If the chemfp_converters package is available then the “flush” format is also supported.

The optional location is a instance. It will only be used if the source is in FPS format.

If the source is in FPS format then open will return a chemfp.fps_io.FPSReader, which will use the location if specified.

Here’s an example of printing the contents of the file:

from chemfp.bitops import hex_encode
reader ="example.fps.gz")
for id, fp in reader:
    print(id, hex_encode(fp))
  • source (A filename string, a file object, or None) – The fingerprint source.
  • format (string, or None) – The file format and optional compression.

a chemfp.fps_io.FPSReader

chemfp.load_fingerprints(reader, metadata=None, reorder=True, alignment=None, format=None)

Load all of the fingerprints into an in-memory FingerprintArena data structure

The FingerprintArena data structure reads all of the fingerprints and identifers from ‘reader’ and stores them into an in-memory data structure which supports fast similarity searches.

If ‘reader’ is a string or implements “read” then the contents will be parsed with the ‘’ function. Otherwise it must support iteration returning (id, fingerprint) pairs. ‘metadata’ contains the metadata the arena. If not specified then ‘reader.metadata’ is used.

The loader may reorder the fingerprints for better search performance. To prevent ordering, use reorder=False.

The ‘alignment’ option specifies the alignment data alignment and padding size for each fingerprint. A value of 8 means that each fingerprint will start on a 8 byte alignment, and use storage space which a multiple of 8 bytes long. The default value of None determines the best alignment based on the fingerprint size and available popcount methods.

  • reader (a string, file object, or (id, fingerprint) iterator) – An iterator over (id, fingerprint) pairs
  • metadata (Metadata) – The metadata for the arena, if other than reader.metadata
  • reorder (True or False) – Specify if fingerprints should be reordered for better performance
  • alignment (a positive integer, or None) – Alignment size in bytes (both data alignment and padding); None autoselects the best alignment.
  • format (None, "fps", or "fps.gz". "fpb" will raise a NotImplementedError) – The file format name if the reader is a string


chemfp.read_structure_fingerprints(type, source=None, format=None, id_tag=None, reader_args=None, errors="strict")

Deprecated function. Please call read_molecule_fingerprints() instead

The function named changed in chemfp 2.0 to read_molecule_fingerprints() because it was a better fit to the toolkit API. Chemfp-1.3 maintains backwards compatibility with chemfp-1.1, so the function remains. It forwards the call the correct function.

  • type (string or Metadata) – information about how to convert the input structure into a fingerprint
  • source (A filename (as a string), a file object, or None to read from stdin) – The structure data source.
  • format (string, or None to autodetect based on the source) – The file format and optional compression. Examples: ‘smi’ and ‘sdf.gz’
  • id_tag (string, or None to use the default title for the given format) – The tag containing the record id. Example: ‘ChEBI ID’. Only valid for SD files.

a FingerprintReader

chemfp.read_molecule_fingerprints(type, source=None, format=None, id_tag=None, reader_args=None, errors="strict")

Read structures from ‘source’ and return the corresponding ids and fingerprints

This returns a FingerprintReader which can be iterated over to get the id and fingerprint for each read structure record. The fingerprint generated depends on the value of ‘type’. Structures are read from ‘source’, which can either be the structure filename, or None to read from stdin.

‘type’ contains the information about how to turn a structure into a fingerprint. It can be a string or a metadata instance. String values look like “OpenBabel-FP2/1”, “OpenEye-Path”, and “OpenEye-Path/1 min_bonds=0 max_bonds=5 atype=DefaultAtom btype=DefaultBond”. Default values are used for unspecified parameters. Use a Metadata instance with ‘type’ and ‘aromaticity’ values set in order to pass aromaticity information to OpenEye.

If ‘format’ is None then the structure file format and compression are determined by the filename’s extension(s), defaulting to uncompressed SMILES if that is not possible. Otherwise ‘format’ may be “smi” or “sdf” optionally followed by “.gz” or “bz2” to indicate compression. The OpenBabel and OpenEye toolkits also support additional formats.

If ‘id_tag’ is None, then the record id is based on the title field for the given format. If the input format is “sdf” then ‘id_tag’ specifies the tag field containing the identifier. (Only the first line is used for multi-line values.) For example, ChEBI omits the title from the SD files and stores the id after the “> <ChEBI ID>” line. In that case, use id_tag = “ChEBI ID”.

‘aromaticity’ specifies the aromaticity model, and is only appropriate for OEChem. It must be a string like “openeye” or “daylight”.

Here is an example of using fingerprints generated from structure file:

fp_reader = read_molecule_fingerprints("OpenBabel-FP4/1", "example.sdf.gz")
print "Each fingerprint has", fps.metadata.num_bits, "bits"
for (id, fp) in fp_reader:
   print id, fp.encode("hex")
  • type (string or Metadata) – information about how to convert the input structure into a fingerprint
  • source (A filename (as a string), a file object, or None to read from stdin) – The structure data source.
  • format (string, or None to autodetect based on the source) – The file format and optional compression. Examples: ‘smi’ and ‘sdf.gz’
  • id_tag (string, or None to use the default title for the given format) – The tag containing the record id. Example: ‘ChEBI ID’. Only valid for SD files.

a FingerprintReader

chemfp.open_fingerprint_writer(destination, metadata=None, format=None, alignment=8, reorder=True, tmpdir=None, max_spool_size=None, errors="strict", location=None)

Create a fingerprint writer for the given destination

The fingerprint writer is an object with methods to write fingerprints to the given destination. The output format is based on the format. If that’s None then the format depends on the destination, or is “fps” if the attempts at format detection fail.

The metadata, if given, is a Metadata instance, and used to fill the header of an FPS file.

If the output format is “fps” or “fps.gz” then destination may be a filename, a file object, or None for stdout. The “fpb” format is not available for this version of chemfp, and function will raise a NotImplementedError in that case.

If the chemfp_converters package is available then the “flush” format is also supported.

The parameters alignment, reorder, tmpdir, and max_spool_size are for FPB output and are ignored. The parameters are listed for better forwards-compatibility.

The errors specifies how to handle recoverable write errors. The value “strict” raises an exception if there are any detected errors. The value “report” sends an error message to stderr and skips to the next record. The value “ignore” skips to the next record.

The location is a Location instance. It lets the caller access state information such as the number of records that have been written.

  • destination (a filename, file object, or None) – the output destination
  • metadata (a Metadata instance, or None) – the fingerprint metadata
  • format (None, "fps", "fps.gz", or "fpb") – the output format
  • alignment (positive integer) – arena byte alignment for FPB files
  • reorder (True or False) – True reorders the fingerprints by popcount, False leaves them in input order
  • tmpdir (string or None) – the directory to use for temporary files, when max_spool_size is specified
  • max_spool_size (integer, or None) – number of bytes to store in memory before using a temporary file. If None, use memory for everything.
  • location (a Location instance, or None) – a location object used to access output state information

a chemfp.FingerprintWriter


class chemfp.ChemFPError

Base class for all of the chemfp exceptions


class chemfp.ParseError

Exception raised by the molecule and fingerprint parsers and writers

The public attributes are:


a string describing the exception


a instance, or None


class chemfp.Metadata

Store information about a set of fingerprints

The public attributes are:


the number of bits in the fingerprint


the number of bytes in the fingerprint


the fingerprint type string


aromaticity model (only used with OEChem, and now deprecated)


software used to make the fingerprints


list of sources used to make the fingerprint


a datetime timestamp of when the fingerprints were made


the ISO string representation of the date


Return a string like Metadata(num_bits=1024, num_bytes=128, type='OpenBabel/FP2', ....)


Show the metadata in FPS header format

copy(num_bits=None, num_bytes=None, type=None, aromaticity=None, software=None, sources=None, date=None)

Return a new Metadata instance based on the current attributes and optional new values

When called with no parameter, make a new Metadata instance with the same attributes as the current instance.

If a given call parameter is not None then it will be used instead of the current value. If you want to change a current value to None then you will have to modify the new Metadata after you created it.

  • num_bits (an integer, or None) – the number of bits in the fingerprint
  • num_bytes (an integer, or None) – the number of bytes in the fingerprint
  • type (string or None) – the fingerprint type description
  • aromaticity (None) – obsolete
  • software (string or None) – a description of the software
  • sources (list of strings, a string (interpreted as a list with one string), or None) – source filenames
  • date (a datetime instance, or None) – creation or processing date for the contents

a new Metadata instance


class chemfp.FingerprintReader

Base class for all chemfp objects holding fingerprint records

All FingerprintReader instances have a metadata attribute containing a Metadata and can be iteratated over to get the (id, fingerprint) for each record.


iterate over the (id, fingerprint) pairs


iterate through arena_size fingerprints at a time, as subarenas

Iterate through arena_size fingerprints at a time, returned as chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena instances. The arenas are in input order and not reordered by popcount.

This method helps trade off between performance and memory use. Working with arenas is often faster than processing one fingerprint at a time, but if the file is very large then you might run out of memory, or get bored while waiting to process all of the fingerprint before getting the first answer.

If arena_size is None then this makes an iterator which returns a single arena containing all of the fingerprints.

Parameters:arena_size (positive integer, or None) – The number of fingerprints to put into each arena.
Returns:an iterator of chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena instances
save(destination, format=None)

Save the fingerprints to a given destination and format

The output format is based on the format. If the format is None then the format depends on the destination file extension. If the extension isn’t recognized then the fingerprints will be saved in “fps” format.

If the output format is “fps” or “fps.gz” then destination may be a filename, a file object, or None; None writes to stdout.

If the output format is “fpb” then destination must be a filename.

  • destination (a filename, file object, or None) – the output destination
  • format (None, "fps", "fps.gz", or "fpb") – the output format



Get the fingerprint type object based on the metadata’s type field

This uses self.metadata.type to get the fingerprint type string then calls chemfp.get_fingerprint_type() to get and return a chemfp.types.FingerprintType instance.

This will raise a TypeError if there is no metadata, and a ValueError if the type field was invalid or the fingerprint type isn’t available.

Returns:a chemfp.types.FingerprintType


class chemfp.FingerprintIterator

A chemfp.FingerprintReader for an iterator of (id, fingerprint) pairs

This is often used as an adapter container to hold the metadata and (id, fingerprint) iterator. It supports an optional location, and can call a close function when the iterator has completed.

A FingerprintIterator is a context manager which will close the underlying iterator if it’s given a close handler.

Like all iterators you can use next() to get the next (id, fingerprint) pair.

__init__(metadata, id_fp_iterator, location=None, close=None)

Initialize with a Metadata instance and the (id, fingerprint) iterator

The metadata is a Metadata instance. The id_fp_iterator is an iterator which returns (id, fingerprint) pairs.

The optional location is a The optional close callable is called (as close()) whenever self.close() is called and when the context manager exits.


Iterate over the (id, fingerprint) pairs


Close the iterator

The call will be forwarded to the close callable passed to the constructor. If that close is None then this does nothing.


class chemfp.Fingerprints

A chemf.FingerprintReader containing a metadata and a list of (id, fingerprint) pairs.

This is typically used as an adapater when you have a list of (id, fingerprint) pairs and you want to pass it (and the metadata) to the rest of the chemfp API.

This implements a simple list-like collection of fingerprints. It supports:
  • for (id, fingerprint) in fingerprints: …
  • id, fingerprint = fingerprints[1]
  • len(fingerprints)

More features, like slicing, will be added as needed or when requested.

__init__(metadata, id_fp_pairs)

Initialize with a Metadata instance and the (id, fingerprint) pair list

The metadata is a Metadata instance. The id_fp_iterator is an iterator which returns (id, fingerprint) pairs.


class chemfp.FingerprintWriter

Base class for the fingerprint writers

The only concrete fingerprint writer class in chemfp 1.x is:

Chemfp 2.0 and later also implement OrderedFPBWriter and InputOrderFPBWriter. If the chemfp_converters package is available then its FlushFingerprintWriter will be used to write fingerprints in flush format.

Use chemfp.open_fingerprint_writer() to create a fingerprint writer class; do not create them directly.

All classes have the following attributes:

  • metadata - a chemfp.Metadata instance
  • closed - False when the file is open, else True

Fingerprint writers are also their own context manager, and close the writer on context exit.

write_fingerprint(id, fp)

Write a single fingerprint record with the given id and fp to the destination

  • id (string) – the record identifier
  • fp (byte string) – the fingerprint

Write a sequence of (id, fingerprint) pairs to the destination

Parameters:id_fp_pairs – An iterable of (id, fingerprint) pairs. id is a string and fingerprint is a byte string.

Close the writer

This will set self.closed to False.


class chemfp.ChemFPProblem

Information about a compatibility problem between a query and target.

Instances are generated by chemfp.check_fingerprint_problems() and chemfp.check_metadata_problems().

The public attributes are:


one of “info”, “warning”, or “error”


5 for “info”, 10 for “warning”, and 20 for “error”


a string used as a category name. This string will not change over time.


a more detailed description of the error, including details of the mismatch. The description depends on query_name and target_name and may change over time.

The current category names are:
  • “num_bits mismatch” (error)
  • “num_bytes_mismatch” (error)
  • “type mismatch” (warning)
  • “aromaticity mismatch” (info)
  • “software mismatch” (info)
chemfp.check_fingerprint_problems(query_fp, target_metadata, query_name="query", target_name="target")

Return a list of compatibility problems between a fingerprint and a metadata

If there are no problems then this returns an empty list. If there is a bit length or byte length mismatch between the query_fp byte string and the target_metadata then it will return a list containing a ChemFPProblem instance, with a severity level “error” and category “num_bytes mismatch”.

This function is usually used to check if a query fingerprint is compatible with the target fingerprints. In case of a problem, the default message looks like:

>>> problems = check_fingerprint_problems("A"*64, Metadata(num_bytes=128))
>>> problems[0].description
'query contains 64 bytes but target has 128 byte fingerprints'

You can change the error message with the query_name and target_name parameters:

>>> import chemfp
>>> problems = check_fingerprint_problems("z"*64, chemfp.Metadata(num_bytes=128),
...      query_name="input", target_name="database")
>>> problems[0].description
'input contains 64 bytes but database has 128 byte fingerprints'
  • query_fp (byte string) – a fingerprint (usually the query fingerprint)
  • target_metadata (Metadata instance) – the metadata to check against (usually the target metadata)
  • query_name (string) – the text used to describe the fingerprint, in case of problem
  • target_name (string) – the text used to describe the metadata, in case of problem

a list of ChemFPProblem instances

chemfp.check_metadata_problems(query_metadata, target_metadata, query_name="query", target_name="target")

Return a list of compatibility problems between two metadata instances.

If there are no probelms then this returns an empty list. Otherwise it returns a list of ChemFPProblem instances, with a severity level ranging from “info” to “error”.

Bit length and byte length mismatches produce an “error”. Fingerprint type and aromaticity mismatches produce a “warning”. Software version mismatches produce an “info”.

This is usually used to check if the query metadata is incompatible with the target metadata. In case of a problem the messages look like:

>>> import chemfp
>>> m1 = chemfp.Metadata(num_bytes=128, type="Example/1")
>>> m2 = chemfp.Metadata(num_bytes=256, type="Counter-Example/1")
>>> problems = chemfp.check_metadata_problems(m1, m2)
>>> len(problems)
>>> print(problems[1].description)
query has fingerprints of type 'Example/1' but target has fingerprints of type 'Counter-Example/1'

You can change the error message with the query_name and target_name parameters:

>>> problems = chemfp.check_metadata_problems(m1, m2, query_name="input", target_name="database")
>>> print(problems[1].description)
input has fingerprints of type 'Example/1' but database has fingerprints of type 'Counter-Example/1'
  • fp (byte string) – a fingerprint
  • metadata (Metadata instance) – the metadata to check against
  • query_name (string) – the text used to describe the fingerprint, in case of problem
  • target_name (string) – the text used to describe the metadata, in case of problem

a list of ChemFPProblem instances

chemfp.count_tanimoto_hits(queries, targets, threshold=0.7, arena_size=100)

Count the number of targets within ‘threshold’ of each query term

For each query in ‘queries’, count the number of targets in ‘targets’ which are at least ‘threshold’ similar to the query. This function returns an iterator containing the (query_id, count) pairs.


queries ="queries.fps")
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps.gz")
for (query_id, count) in chemfp.count_tanimoto_hits(queries, targets, threshold=0.9):
    print query_id, "has", count, "neighbors with at least 0.9 similarity"

Internally, queries are processed in batches of size ‘arena_size’. A small batch size uses less overall memory and has lower processing latency, while a large batch size has better overall performance. Use arena_size=None to process the input as a single batch.

Note: the FPSReader may be used as a target but it can only process one batch, and searching a FingerprintArena is faster if you have more than a few queries.

  • queries (any fingerprint container) – The query fingerprints.
  • targets (FingerprintArena or the slower FPSReader) – The target fingerprints.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • arena_size (a positive integer, or None) – The number of queries to process in a batch

An iterator containing (query_id, score) pairs, one for each query

chemfp.count_tanimoto_hits_symmetric(fingerprints, threshold=0.7)

Find the number of other fingerprints within threshold of each fingerprint

For each fingerprint in the fingerprints arena, find the number of other fingerprints in the same arena which are at least threshold similar to it. The arena must have pre-computed popcounts. A fingerprint never matches itself.

This function returns an iterator of (fingerprint_id, count) pairs.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps.gz")
for (fp_id, count) in chemfp.count_tanimoto_hits_symmetric(arena, threshold=0.6):
    print fp_id, "has", count, "neighbors with at least 0.6 similarity"
  • fingerprints (a FingerprintArena with precomputed popcount_indices) – The arena containing the fingerprints.
  • threshold – The minimum score threshold.

An iterator of (fp_id, count) pairs, one for each fingerprint

Find all targets within ‘threshold’ of each query term

For each query in ‘queries’, find all the targets in ‘targets’ which are at least ‘threshold’ similar to the query. This function returns an iterator containing the (query_id, hits) pairs. The hits are stored as a list of (target_id, score) pairs.


queries ="queries.fps")
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps.gz")
for (query_id, hits) in chemfp.id_threshold_tanimoto_search(queries, targets, threshold=0.8):
    print query_id, "has", len(hits), "neighbors with at least 0.8 similarity"
    non_identical = [target_id for (target_id, score) in hits if score != 1.0]
    print "  The non-identical hits are:", non_identical

Internally, queries are processed in batches of size ‘arena_size’. A small batch size uses less overall memory and has lower processing latency, while a large batch size has better overall performance. Use arena_size=None to process the input as a single batch.

Note: the FPSReader may be used as a target but it can only process one batch, and searching a FingerprintArena is faster if you have more than a few queries.

  • queries (any fingerprint container) – The query fingerprints.
  • targets (FingerprintArena or the slower FPSReader) – The target fingerprints.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • arena_size (positive integer, or None) – The number of queries to process in a batch

An iterator containing (query_id, hits) pairs, one for each query. ‘hits’ contains a list of (target_id, score) pairs.

chemfp.threshold_tanimoto_search_symmetric(fingerprints, threshold=0.7)

Find the other fingerprints within threshold of each fingerprint

For each fingerprint in the fingerprints arena, find the other fingerprints in the same arena which hare at least threshold similar to it. The arena must have pre-computed popcounts. A fingerprint never matches itself.

This function returns an iterator of (fingerprint, SearchResult) pairs. The SearchResult hit order is arbitrary.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps.gz")
for (fp_id, hits) in chemfp.threshold_tanimoto_search_symmetric(arena, threshold=0.75):
    print fp_id, "has", len(hits), "neighbors:"
    for (other_id, score) in hits.get_ids_and_scores():
        print "   %s  %.2f" % (other_id, score)
  • fingerprints (a FingerprintArena with precomputed popcount_indices) – The arena containing the fingerprints.
  • threshold – The minimum score threshold.

An iterator of (fp_id, SearchResult) pairs, one for each fingerprint

Find the ‘k’-nearest targets within ‘threshold’ of each query term

For each query in ‘queries’, find the ‘k’-nearest of all the targets in ‘targets’ which are at least ‘threshold’ similar to the query. Ties are broken arbitrarily and hits with scores equal to the smallest value may have been omitted.

This function returns an iterator containing the (query_id, hits) pairs, where hits is a list of (target_id, score) pairs, sorted so that the highest scores are first. The order of ties is arbitrary.


# Use the first 5 fingerprints as the queries
queries = next("pubchem_subset.fps").iter_arenas(5))
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("pubchem_subset.fps")

# Find the 3 nearest hits with a similarity of at least 0.8
for (query_id, hits) in chemfp.id_knearest_tanimoto_search(queries, targets, k=3, threshold=0.8):
    print query_id, "has", len(hits), "neighbors with at least 0.8 similarity"
    if hits:
        target_id, score = hits[-1]
        print "    The least similar is", target_id, "with score", score

Internally, queries are processed in batches of size ‘arena_size’. A small batch size uses less overall memory and has lower processing latency, while a large batch size has better overall performance. Use arena_size=None to process the input as a single batch.

Note: the FPSReader may be used as a target but it can only process one batch, and searching a FingerprintArena is faster if you have more than a few queries.

  • queries (any fingerprint container) – The query fingerprints.
  • targets (FingerprintArena or the slower FPSReader) – The target fingerprints.
  • k (positive integer) – The maximum number of nearest neighbors to find.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • arena_size (positive integer, or None) – The number of queries to process in a batch

An iterator containing (query_id, hits) pairs, one for each query. ‘hits’ contains a list of (target_id, score) pairs, sorted by score.

chemfp.knearest_tanimoto_search_symmetric(fingerprints, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Find the nearest k fingerprints within threshold of each fingerprint

For each fingerprint in the fingerprints arena, find the nearest k fingerprints in the same arena which hare at least threshold similar to it. The arena must have pre-computed popcounts. A fingerprint never matches itself.

This function returns an iterator of (fingerprint, SearchResult) pairs. The SearchResult hits are ordered from highest score to lowest, with ties broken arbitrarily.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps.gz")
for (fp_id, hits) in chemfp.knearest_tanimoto_search_symmetric(arena, k=5, threshold=0.5):
    print fp_id, "has", len(hits), "neighbors, with scores",
    print ", ".join("%.2f" % x for x in hits.get_scores())
  • fingerprints (a FingerprintArena with precomputed popcount_indices) – The arena containing the fingerprints.
  • k (positive integer) – The maximum number of nearest neighbors to find.
  • threshold – The minimum score threshold.

An iterator of (fp_id, SearchResult) pairs, one for each fingerprint


Return the maximum number of threads available.

If OpenMP is not available then this will return 1. Otherwise it returns the maximum number of threads available, as reported by omp_get_num_threads().


Return the number of OpenMP threads to use in searches

Initially this is the value returned by omp_get_max_threads(), which is generally 4 unless you set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to some other value.

It may be any value in the range 1 to get_max_threads(), inclusive.


Set the number of OpenMP threads to use in searches

If num_threads is less than one then it is treated as one, and a value greater than get_max_threads() is treated as get_max_threads().

Open Babel fingerprints

Open Babel implements four fingerprints families and chemfp implements two fingerprint families using the Open Babel toolkit. These are:

  • OpenBabel-FP2 - Indexes linear fragments up to 7 atoms.
  • OpenBabel-FP3 - SMARTS patterns specified in the file patterns.txt
  • OpenBabel-FP4 - SMARTS patterns specified in the file SMARTS_InteLigand.txt
  • OpenBabel-MACCS - SMARTS patterns specified in the file MACCS.txt, which implements nearly all of the 166 MACCS keys
  • RDMACCS-OpenBabel - a chemfp implementation of nearly all of the MACCS keys
  • ChemFP-Substruct-OpenBabel - an experimental chemfp implementation of the PubChem keys

Most people use FP2 and MACCS.

Note: chemfp, starting with version 1.3, implements both RDMACCS-OpenBabel/1 and RDMACCS-OpenBabel/2. Version 1.1 did not have a definition for key 44.

OpenEye fingerprints

OpenEye’s OEGraphSim library implements four bitstring-based fingerprint families, and chemfp implements two fingerprint families based on OEChem. These are:

  • OpenEye-Path - exhaustive enumeration of all linear fragments up to a given size
  • OpenEye-Circular - exhaustive enumeration of all circular fragments grown radially from each heavy atom up to a given radius
  • OpenEye-Tree - exhaustive enumeration of all trees up to a given size
  • OpenEye-MACCS166 - an implementation of the 166 MACCS keys
  • RDMACCS-OpenEye - a chemfp implementation of the 166 MACCS keys
  • ChemFP-Substruct-OpenEye - an experimental chemfp implementation of the PubChem keys

Note: chemfp, starting with version 1.3, implements both RDMACCS-OpenEye/1 and RDMACCS-OpenEye/2. Version 1.1 did not have a definition for key 44.

RDKit fingerprints

RDKit implements nine fingerprint families, and chemfp implements two fingerprint families based on RDKit. These are:

  • RDKit-Fingerprint - exhaustive enumeration of linear and branched trees
  • RDKit-MACCS166 - The RDKit implementation of the MACCS keys
  • RDKit-Morgan - EFCP-like circular fingerprints
  • RDKit-AtomPair - atom pair fingerprints
  • RDKit-Torsion - topological-torsion fingerprints
  • RDKit-Pattern - substructure screen fingerprint
  • RDKit-Avalon - RDKit’s interface to the Avalon toolkit fingerprints
  • RDMACCS-RDKit - a chemfp implementation of the 166 MACCS keys
  • ChemFP-Substruct-RDKit - an experimental chemfp implementation of the PubChem keys

Note: chemfp, starting with version 1.3, implements both RDMACCS-OpenEye/1 and RDMACCS-OpenEye/2. Version 1.1 did not have a definition for key 44.

chemfp.arena module

There should be no reason for you to import this module yourself. It contains the FingerprintArena implementation. FingerprintArena instances are returns part of the public API but should not be constructed directly.


class chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena

Store fingerprints in a contiguous block of memory for fast searches

A fingerprint arena implements the chemfp.FingerprintReader API.

A fingerprint arena stores all of the fingerprints in a continuous block of memory, so the per-molecule overhead is very low.

The fingerprints can be sorted by popcount, so the fingerprints with no bits set come first, followed by those with 1 bit, etc. If self.popcount_indices is a non-empty string then the string contains information about the start and end offsets for all the fingerprints with a given popcount. This information is used for the sublinear search methods.

The public attributes are:


chemfp.Metadata about the fingerprints


list of identifiers, in index order

Other attributes, which might be subject to change, and which I won’t fully explain, are:
  • arena - a contiguous block of memory, which contains the fingerprints
  • start_padding - number of bytes to the first fingerprint in the block
  • end_padding - number of bytes after the last fingerprint in the block
  • storage_size - number of bytes used to store a fingerprint
  • num_bytes - number of bytes in each fingerprint (must be <= storage_size)
  • num_bits - number of bits in each fingerprint
  • alignment - the fingerprint alignment
  • start - the index for the first fingerprint in the arena/subarena
  • end - the index for the last fingerprint in the arena/subarena
  • arena_ids - all of the identifiers for the parent arena

The FingerprintArena is its own context manager, but it does nothing on context exit.


Number of fingerprint records in the FingerprintArena


Return the (id, fingerprint) pair at index i


Iterate over the (id, fingerprint) contents of the arena


Get the fingerprint type object based on the metadata’s type field

This uses self.metadata.type to get the fingerprint type string then calls chemfp.get_fingerprint_type() to get and return a chemfp.types.FingerprintType instance.

This will raise a TypeError if there is no metadata, and a ValueError if the type field was invalid or the fingerprint type isn’t available.

Returns:a chemfp.types.FingerprintType

Return the fingerprint at index i

Raises an IndexError if index i is out of range.


Given the record identifier, return the (id, fingerprint) pair,

If the id is not present then return None.


Given the record identifier, return the record index

If the id is not present then return None.


Given the record identifier, return its fingerprint

If the id is not present then return None

save(destination, format=None)

Save the fingerprints to a given destination and format

The output format is based on the format. If the format is None then the format depends on the destination file extension. If the extension isn’t recognized then the fingerprints will be saved in “fps” format.

If the output format is “fps” or “fps.gz” then destination may be a filename, a file object, or None; None writes to stdout.

If the output format is “fpb” then destination must be a filename.

  • destination (a filename, file object, or None) – the output destination
  • format (None, "fps", "fps.gz", or "fpb") – the output format


iter_arenas(arena_size = 1000)

Base class for all chemfp objects holding fingerprint records

All FingerprintReader instances have a metadata attribute containing a Metadata and can be iteratated over to get the (id, fingerprint) for each record.

copy(indices=None, reorder=None)

Create a new arena using either all or some of the fingerprints in this arena

By default this create a new arena. The fingerprint data block and ids may be shared with the original arena, which makes this a shallow copy. If the original arena is a slice, or “sub-arena” of an arena, then the copy will allocate new space to store just the fingerprints in the slice and use its own list for the ids.

The indices parameter, if not None, is an iterable which contains the indicies of the fingerprint records to copy. Duplicates are allowed, though discouraged.

If indices are specified then the default reorder value of None, or the value True, will reorder the fingerprints for the new arena by popcount. This improves overall search performance. If reorder is False then the new arena will preserve the order given by the indices.

If indices are not specified, then the default is to preserve the order type of the original arena. Use reorder=True to always reorder the fingerprints in the new arena by popcount, and reorder=False to always leave them in the current ordering.

>>> import chemfp
>>> arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("pubchem_queries.fps")
>>> arena.ids[1], arena.ids[5], arena.ids[10], arena.ids[18]
(b'9425031', b'9425015', b'9425040', b'9425033')
>>> len(arena)
>>> new_arena = arena.copy(indices=[1, 5, 10, 18])
>>> len(new_arena)
>>> new_arena.ids
[b'9425031', b'9425015', b'9425040', b'9425033']
>>> new_arena = arena.copy(indices=[18, 10, 5, 1], reorder=False)
>>> new_arena.ids
[b'9425033', b'9425040', b'9425015', b'9425031']
  • indices (iterable containing integers, or None) – indicies of the records to copy into the new arena
  • reorder (True to reorder, False to leave in input order, None for default action) – describes how to order the fingerprints
count_tanimoto_hits_fp(query_fp, threshold=0.7)

Count the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Return the number of fingerprints in the arena which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint query_fp.

  • query_fp (byte string) – query fingerprint
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

integer count

threshold_tanimoto_search_fp(query_fp, threshold=0.7)

Find the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Find all of the fingerprints in this arena which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint query_fp. The hits are returned as a SearchResult, in arbitrary order.

  • query_fp (byte string) – query fingerprint
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResult

knearest_tanimoto_search_fp(query_fp, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Find the k-nearest fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Find all of the fingerprints in this arena which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint, and of those, select the top k hits. The hits are returned as a SearchResult, sorted from highest score to lowest.

  • queries (a FingerprintArena) – query fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResult module

The following functions and classes are in the module.

There are three main classes of functions. The ones ending with *_fp use a query fingerprint to search a target arena. The ones ending with *_arena use a query arena to search a target arena. The ones ending with *_symmetric use arena to search itself, except that a fingerprint is not tested against itself.

These functions share the same name with very similar functions in the top-level chemfp module. My apologies for any confusion. The top-level functions are designed to work with both arenas and iterators as the target. They give a simple search API, and automatically process in blocks, to give a balanced trade-off between performance and response time for the first results.

The functions in this module only work with arena as the target. By default it searches the entire arena before returning. If you want to process portions of the arena then you need to specify the range yourself., target_arena, threshold=0.7)

Count the number of hits in target_arena at least threshold similar to the query_fp


query_id, query_fp = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")[0]
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
print, targets, threshold=0.1)
  • query_fp (a byte string) – the query fingerprint
  • target_arena – the target arena
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.

an integer count, target_arena, threshold=0.7)

For each fingerprint in query_arena, count the number of hits in target_arena at least threshold similar to it


queries = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
counts =, targets, threshold=0.1)
print counts[:10]

The result is implementation specific. You’ll always be able to get its length and do an index lookup to get an integer count. Currently it’s a ctypes array of longs, but it could be an array.array or Python list in the future.


an array of counts, threshold=0.7, batch_size=100)

For each fingerprint in the arena, count the number of other fingerprints at least threshold similar to it

A fingerprint never matches itself.

The computation can take a long time. Python won’t check check for a ^C until the function finishes. This can be irritating. Instead, process only batch_size rows at a time before checking for a ^C.

Note: the batch_size may disappear in future versions of chemfp. I can’t detect any performance difference between the current value and a larger value, so it seems rather pointless to have. Let me know if it’s useful to keep as a user-defined parameter.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
counts =, threshold=0.2)
print counts[:10]

The result object is implementation specific. You’ll always be able to get its length and do an index lookup to get an integer count. Currently it’s a ctype array of longs, but it could be an array.array or Python list in the future.

  • arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the set of fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • batch_size (integer) – the number of rows to process before checking for a ^C

an array of counts, arena, threshold=0.7, query_start=0, query_end=None, target_start=0, target_end=None)

Compute a portion of the symmetric Tanimoto counts

For most cases, use instead of this function!

This function is only useful for thread-pool implementations. In that case, set the number of OpenMP threads to 1.

counts is a contiguous array of integers. It should be initialized to zeros, and reused for successive calls.

The function adds counts for counts[query_start:query_end] based on computing the upper-triangle portion contained in the rectangle query_start:query_end and target_start:target_end* and using symmetry to fill in the lower half.

You know, this is pretty complicated. Here’s the bare minimum example of how to use it correctly to process 10 rows at a time using up to 4 threads:

import chemfp
from chemfp import futures
import array

chemfp.set_num_threads(1)  # Globally disable OpenMP

arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")  # Load the fingerprints
n = len(arena)
counts = array.array("i", [0]*n)

with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
    for row in xrange(0, n, 10):
                        counts, arena, threshold=0.2,
                        query_start=row, query_end=min(row+10, n))

print counts
  • counts (a contiguous block of integer) – the accumulated Tanimoto counts
  • arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the fingerprints.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • query_start (an integer) – the query start row
  • query_end (an integer, or None to mean the last query row) – the query end row
  • target_start (an integer) – the target start row
  • target_end (an integer, or None to mean the last target row) – the target end row

None, target_arena, threshold=0.7)

Search for fingerprint hits in target_arena which are at least threshold similar to query_fp

The hits in the returned are in arbitrary order.


query_id, query_fp = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")[0]
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
print list(, targets, threshold=0.15))
  • query_fp (a byte string) – the query fingerprint
  • target_arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the target arena
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.

a, target_arena, threshold=0.7)

Search for the hits in the target_arena at least threshold similar to the fingerprints in query_arena

The hits in the returned are in arbitrary order.


queries = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
results =, targets, threshold=0.5)
for query_id, query_hits in zip(queries.ids, results):
    if len(query_hits) > 0:
        print query_id, "->", ", ".join(query_hits.get_ids())

a, threshold=0.7, include_lower_triangle=True, batch_size=100)

Search for the hits in the arena at least threshold similar to the fingerprints in the arena

When include_lower_triangle is True, compute the upper-triangle similarities, then copy the results to get the full set of results. When include_lower_triangle is False, only compute the upper triangle.

The hits in the returned are in arbitrary order.

The computation can take a long time. Python won’t check check for a ^C until the function finishes. This can be irritating. Instead, process only batch_size rows at a time before checking for a ^C.

Note: the batch_size may disappear in future versions of chemfp. Let me know if it really is useful for you to have as a user-defined parameter.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")
full_result =, threshold=0.2)
upper_triangle =
          arena, threshold=0.2, include_lower_triangle=False)
assert sum(map(len, full_result)) == sum(map(len, upper_triangle))*2
  • arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the set of fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • include_lower_triangle (boolean) – if False, compute only the upper triangle, otherwise use symmetry to compute the full matrix
  • batch_size (integer) – the number of rows to process before checking for a ^C

a, arena, threshold=0.7, query_start=0, query_end=None, target_start=0, target_end=None, results_offset=0)

Compute a portion of the symmetric Tanimoto search results

For most cases, use instead of this function!

This function is only useful for thread-pool implementations. In that case, set the number of OpenMP threads to 1.

results is a instance which is at least as large as the arena. It should be reused for successive updates.

The function adds hits to results[query_start:query_end], based on computing the upper-triangle portion contained in the rectangle query_start:query_end and target_start:target_end.

It does not fill in the lower triangle. To get the full matrix, call fill_lower_triangle.

You know, this is pretty complicated. Here’s the bare minimum example of how to use it correctly to process 10 rows at a time using up to 4 threads:

import chemfp
from chemfp import futures
import array


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
n = len(arena)
results =, n, arena.ids)

with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
    for row in xrange(0, n, 10):
                        results, arena, threshold=0.2,
                        query_start=row, query_end=min(row+10, n))

The hits in the are in arbitrary order.

  • results (a instance) – the intermediate search results
  • arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the fingerprints.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • query_start (an integer) – the query start row
  • query_end (an integer, or None to mean the last query row) – the query end row
  • target_start (an integer) – the target start row
  • target_end (an integer, or None to mean the last target row) – the target end row
  • results_offset – use results[results_offset] as the base for the results
  • results_offset – an integer


Duplicate each entry of results to its transpose

This is used after the symmetric threshold search to turn the upper-triangle results into a full matrix.

Parameters:results (a – search results, target_arena, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Search for k-nearest hits in target_arena which are at least threshold similar to query_fp

The hits in the are ordered by decreasing similarity score.


query_id, query_fp = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")[0]
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
print list(, targets, k=3, threshold=0.0))
  • query_fp (a byte string) – the query fingerprint
  • target_arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the target arena
  • k (positive integer) – the number of nearest neighbors to find.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.

a, target_arena, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Search for the k nearest hits in the target_arena at least threshold similar to the fingerprints in query_arena

The hits in the are ordered by decreasing similarity score.


queries = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")
targets = chemfp.load_fingerprints("targets.fps")
results =, targets, k=3, threshold=0.5)
for query_id, query_hits in zip(queries.ids, results):
    if len(query_hits) >= 2:
        print query_id, "->", ", ".join(query_hits.get_ids())
  • query_arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – The query fingerprints.
  • target_arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – The target fingerprints.
  • k (positive integer) – the number of nearest neighbors to find.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.

a, k=3, threshold=0.7, batch_size=100)

Search for the k-nearest hits in the arena at least threshold similar to the fingerprints in the arena

The hits in the SearchResults are ordered by decreasing similarity score.

The computation can take a long time. Python won’t check check for a ^C until the function finishes. This can be irritating. Instead, process only batch_size rows at a time before checking for a ^C.

Note: the batch_size may disappear in future versions of chemfp. Let me know if it really is useful for you to keep as a user-defined parameter.


arena = chemfp.load_fingerprints("queries.fps")
results =, k=3, threshold=0.8)
for (query_id, hits) in zip(arena.ids, results):
    print query_id, "->", ", ".join(("%s %.2f" % hit) for hit in  hits.get_ids_and_scores())
  • arena (a chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena) – the set of fingerprints
  • k (positive integer) – the number of nearest neighbors to find.
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – The minimum score threshold.
  • include_lower_triangle (boolean) – if False, compute only the upper triangle, otherwise use symmetry to compute the full matrix
  • batch_size (integer) – the number of rows to process before checking for a ^C

a, target_arena)

Find the target fingerprints which contain the query fingerprint bits as a subset

A target fingerprint contains a query fingerprint if all of the on bits of the query fingerprint are also on bits of the target fingerprint. This function returns a containing all of the target fingerprints in target_arena that contain the query_fp.

The SearchResult scores are all 0.0.

There is currently no direct way to limit the arena search range. Instead create a subarena by using Python’s slice notation on the arena then search the subarena.


a SearchResult instance, target_arena)

Find the target fingerprints which contain the query fingerprints as a subset

A target fingerprint contains a query fingerprint if all of the on bits of the query fingerprint are also on bits of the target fingerprint. This function returns a where SearchResults[i] contains all of the target fingerprints in target_arena that contain the fingerprint for entry query_arena [i].

The SearchResult scores are all 0.0.

There is currently no direct way to limit the arena search range, though you can create and search a subarena by using Python’s slice notation.


a instance, of the same size as query_arena



Search results for a list of query fingerprints against a target arena

This acts like a list of SearchResult elements, with the ability to iterate over each search results, look them up by index, and get the number of scores.

In addition, there are helper methods to iterate over each hit and to get the hit indicies, scores, and identifiers directly as Python lists, sort the list contents, and more.


The number of rows in the SearchResults


Iterate over each SearchResult hit


Get the i-th SearchResult


Read-only attribute.

the tuple (number of rows, number of columns)

The number of columns is the size of the target arena.


For each hit, yield the list of target indices


For each hit, yield the list of target identifiers


For each hit, yield the list of target scores


For each hit, yield the list of (target index, score) tuples


For each hit, yield the list of (target id, score) tuples


Remove all hits from all of the search results

count_all(min_score=None, max_score=None, interval="[]")

Count the number of hits with a score between min_score and max_score

Using the default parameters this returns the number of hits in the result.

The default min_score of None is equivalent to -infinity. The default max_score of None is equivalent to +infinity.

The interval parameter describes the interval end conditions. The default of “[]” uses a closed interval, where min_score <= score <= max_score. The interval “()” uses the open interval where min_score < score < max_score. The half-open/half-closed intervals “(]” and “[)” are also supported.

  • min_score (a float, or None for -infinity) – the minimum score in the range.
  • max_score (a float, or None for +infinity) – the maximum score in the range.
  • interval (one of "[]", "()", "(]", "[)") – specify if the end points are open or closed.

an integer count

cumulative_score_all(min_score=None, max_score=None, interval="[]")

The sum of all scores in all rows which are between min_score and max_score

Using the default parameters this returns the sum of all of the scores in all of the results. With a specified range this returns the sum of all of the scores in that range. The cumulative score is also known as the raw score.

The default min_score of None is equivalent to -infinity. The default max_score of None is equivalent to +infinity.

The interval parameter describes the interval end conditions. The default of “[]” uses a closed interval, where min_score <= score <= max_score. The interval “()” uses the open interval where min_score < score < max_score. The half-open/half-closed intervals “(]” and “[)” are also supported.

  • min_score (a float, or None for -infinity) – the minimum score in the range.
  • max_score (a float, or None for +infinity) – the maximum score in the range.
  • interval (one of "[]", "()", "(]", "[)") – specify if the end points are open or closed.

a floating point count


Reorder the hits for all of the rows based on the requested order.

The available orderings are:

  • increasing-score - sort by increasing score
  • decreasing-score - sort by decreasing score
  • increasing-index - sort by increasing target index
  • decreasing-index - sort by decreasing target index
  • move-closest-first - move the hit with the highest score to the first position
  • reverse - reverse the current ordering
Parameters:ordering – the name of the ordering to use

Return the results as a SciPy compressed sparse row matrix.

The returned matrix has the same shape as the SearchResult instance and can be passed into, for example, a scikit-learn clustering algorithm.

By default the scores are stored with the dtype is “float64”.

This method requires that SciPy (and NumPy) be installed.

Parameters:dtype (string or NumPy type) – a NumPy numeric data type



Search results for a query fingerprint against a target arena.

The results contains a list of hits. Hits contain a target index, score, and optional target ids. The hits can be reordered based on score or index.


The number of hits


Iterate through the pairs of (target index, score) using the current ordering


Remove all hits from this result


The list of target indices, in the current ordering.


The list of target identifiers (if available), in the current ordering


Iterate over target identifiers (if available), in the current ordering


The list of target scores, in the current ordering


The list of (target identifier, target score) pairs, in the current ordering

Raises a TypeError if the target IDs are not available.


The list of (target index, score) pairs, in the current ordering


Reorder the hits based on the requested ordering.

The available orderings are:
  • increasing-score - sort by increasing score
  • decreasing-score - sort by decreasing score
  • increasing-index - sort by increasing target index
  • decreasing-index - sort by decreasing target index
  • move-closest-first - move the hit with the highest score to the first position
  • reverse - reverse the current ordering
Parameters:ordering (string) – the name of the ordering to use
count(min_score=None, max_score=None, interval="[]")

Count the number of hits with a score between min_score and max_score

Using the default parameters this returns the number of hits in the result.

The default min_score of None is equivalent to -infinity. The default max_score of None is equivalent to +infinity.

The interval parameter describes the interval end conditions. The default of “[]” uses a closed interval, where min_score <= score <= max_score. The interval “()” uses the open interval where min_score < score < max_score. The half-open/half-closed intervals “(]” and “[)” are also supported.

  • min_score (a float, or None for -infinity) – the minimum score in the range.
  • max_score (a float, or None for +infinity) – the maximum score in the range.
  • interval (one of "[]", "()", "(]", "[)") – specify if the end points are open or closed.

an integer count

cumulative_score(min_score=None, max_score=None, interval="[]")

The sum of the scores which are between min_score and max_score

Using the default parameters this returns the sum of all of the scores in the result. With a specified range this returns the sum of all of the scores in that range. The cumulative score is also known as the raw score.

The default min_score of None is equivalent to -infinity. The default max_score of None is equivalent to +infinity.

The interval parameter describes the interval end conditions. The default of “[]” uses a closed interval, where min_score <= score <= max_score. The interval “()” uses the open interval where min_score < score < max_score. The half-open/half-closed intervals “(]” and “[)” are also supported.

  • min_score (a float, or None for -infinity) – the minimum score in the range.
  • max_score (a float, or None for +infinity) – the maximum score in the range.
  • interval (one of "[]", "()", "(]", "[)") – specify if the end points are open or closed.

a floating point value

format_ids_and_scores_as_bytes(ids=None, precision=4)

Format the ids and scores as the byte string needed for simsearch output

If there are no hits then the result is the empty string b”“, otherwise it returns a byte string containing the tab-seperated ids and scores, in the order ids[0], scores[0], ids[1], scores[1], …

If the ids is not specified then the ids come from self.get_ids(). If no ids are available, a ValueError is raised. The ids must be a list of Unicode strings.

The precision sets the number of decimal digits to use in the score output. It must be an integer value between 1 and 10, inclusive.

This function is 3-4x faster than the Python equivalent, which is roughly:

ids = ids if (ids is not None) else self.get_ids()
formatter = ("%s\t%." + str(precision) + "f").encode("ascii")
return b"\t".join(formatter % pair for pair in zip(ids, self.get_scores()))
  • ids (a list of Unicode strings, or None to use the default) – the identifiers to use for each hit.
  • precision (an integer from 1 to 10, inclusive) – the precision to use for each score

a byte string

chemfp.bitops module

The following functions from the chemfp.bitops module provide low-level bit operations on byte and hex fingerprints.

chemfp.bitops.byte_contains(super_fp, sub_fp)

Return 1 if the on bits of sub_fp are also 1 bits in super_fp

chemfp.bitops.byte_contains_bit(fp, bit_index)

Return True if the the given bit position is on, otherwise False

chemfp.bitops.byte_difference(fp1, fp2)

Return the absolute difference (xor) between the two byte strings, fp1 ^ fp2

chemfp.bitops.byte_from_bitlist(fp[, num_bits=1024])

Convert a list of bit positions into a byte fingerprint, including modulo folding

chemfp.bitops.byte_hex_tanimoto(fp1, fp2)

Compute the Tanimoto similarity between the byte fingerprint fp1 and the hex fingerprint fp2. Return a float between 0.0 and 1.0, or raise a ValueError if fp2 is not a hex fingerprint

chemfp.bitops.byte_intersect(fp1, fp2)

Return the intersection of the two byte strings, fp1 & fp2

chemfp.bitops.byte_intersect_popcount(fp1, fp2)

Return the number of bits set in the instersection of the two byte fingerprints


Return the number of bits set in a byte fingerprint

chemfp.bitops.byte_tanimoto(fp1, fp2)

Compute the Tanimoto similarity between two byte fingerprints


Return a sorted list of the on-bit positions in the byte fingerprint

chemfp.bitops.byte_union(fp1, fp2)

Return the union of the two byte strings, fp1 | fp2

chemfp.bitops.hex_contains(sub_fp, super_fp)

Return 1 if the on bits of sub_fp are also on bits in super_fp, otherwise 0. Return -1 if either string is not a hex fingerprint

chemfp.bitops.hex_contains_bit(fp, bit_index)

Return True if the the given bit position is on, otherwise False.

This function does not validate that the hex fingerprint is actually in hex.

chemfp.bitops.hex_difference(fp1, fp2)

Return the absolute difference (xor) between the two hex strings, fp1 ^ fp2. Raises a ValueError for non-hex fingerprints.

chemfp.bitops.hex_from_bitlist(fp[, num_bits=1024])

Convert a list of bit positions into a hex fingerprint, including modulo folding

chemfp.bitops.hex_intersect(fp1, fp2)

Return the intersection of the two hex strings, fp1 & fp2. Raises a ValueError for non-hex fingerprints.

chemfp.bitops.hex_intersect_popcount(fp1, fp2)

Return the number of bits set in the intersection of the two hex fingerprint, or -1 if either string is a non-hex string


Return 1 if the string is a valid hex fingerprint, otherwise 0


Return the number of bits set in a hex fingerprint, or -1 for non-hex strings

chemfp.bitops.hex_tanimoto(fp1, fp2)

Compute the Tanimoto similarity between two hex fingerprints. Return a float between 0.0 and 1.0, or -1.0 if either string is not a hex fingerprint


Return a sorted list of the on-bit positions in the hex fingerprint

chemfp.bitops.hex_union(fp1, fp2)

Return the union of the two hex strings, fp1 | fp2. Raises a ValueError for non-hex fingerprints.


Encode the byte string or ASCII string to hex. Returns a text string.


Encode the byte string or ASCII string to hex. Returns a byte string.


Decode the hex-encoded value to a byte string


Decode different fingerprint representations into chemfp form. (Currently only decoders are available. Future released may include encoders.)

The chemfp fingerprints are stored as byte strings, with the bytes in least-significant bit order (bit #0 is stored in the first/left-most byte) and with the bits in most-significant bit order (bit #0 is stored in the first/right-most bit of the first byte).

Other systems use different encodings. These include:
  • the ‘0 and ‘1’ characters, as in ‘00111101’
  • hex encoding, like ‘3d’
  • base64 encoding, like ‘SGVsbG8h’
  • CACTVS’s variation of base64 encoding

plus variations of different LSB and MSB orders.

This module decodes most of the fingerprint encodings I have come across. The fingerprint decoders return a 2-ple of the bit length and the chemfp fingerprint. The bit length is None unless the bit length is known exactly, which currently is only the case for the binary and CACTVS fingerprints. (The hex and other encoders must round the fingerprints up to a multiple of 8 bits.)


Convert a string like ‘00010101’ (bit 0 here is off) into ‘xa8’

The encoding characters ‘0’ and ‘1’ are in LSB order, so bit 0 is the left-most field. The result is a 2-ple of the fingerprint length and the decoded chemfp fingerprint

>>> from_binary_lsb('00010101')
(8, '\xa8')
>>> from_binary_lsb('11101')
(5, '\x17')
>>> from_binary_lsb('00000000000000010000000000000')
(29, '\x00\x80\x00\x00')

Convert a string like ‘10101000’ (bit 0 here is off) into ‘xa8’

The encoding characters ‘0’ and ‘1’ are in MSB order, so bit 0 is the right-most field.

>>> from_binary_msb('10101000')
(8, '\xa8')
>>> from_binary_msb('00010101')
(8, '\x15')
>>> from_binary_msb('00111')
(5, '\x07')
>>> from_binary_msb('00000000000001000000000000000')
(29, '\x00\x80\x00\x00')

Decode a base64 encoded fingerprint string

The encoded fingerprint must be in chemfp form, with the bytes in LSB order and the bits in MSB order.

>>> from_base64("SGk=")
(None, 'Hi')
>>> from_base64("SGk=")[1].encode("hex")

Decode a hex encoded fingerprint string

The encoded fingerprint must be in chemfp form, with the bytes in LSB order and the bits in MSB order.

>>> from_hex('10f2')
(None, '\x10\xf2')

Raises a ValueError if the hex string is not a multiple of 2 bytes long or if it contains a non-hex character.


Decode a hex encoded fingerprint string where the bits and bytes are in MSB order

>>> from_hex_msb('10f2')
(None, '\xf2\x10')

Raises a ValueError if the hex string is not a multiple of 2 bytes long or if it contains a non-hex character.


Decode a hex encoded fingerprint string where the bits and bytes are in LSB order

>>> from_hex_lsb('102f')
(None, '\x08\xf4')

Raises a ValueError if the hex string is not a multiple of 2 bytes long or if it contains a non-hex character.


Decode a 881-bit CACTVS-encoded fingerprint used by PubChem

...             "rBniwygJJqAACqAyVyVACSBAAhhwIa+CC4ZtgIYCLB0/CUpAhgmADIyYcAgAAO" +
(881, '\x07\xde\x8d\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x06\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x03\x00\x00\xf8@\x18\x00\x00\x000P\x83y4L\x01IV\x00\x00U\xc0\xa4N*\x00I \x00\x84\xe1@X\x1f\x04\x1df\x1b\x10\x06D\x83\xcb\x0f)%\x10\x06\x19\x00\x13\x93\xe1\x00\x01\x00p\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
For format details, see

Decode a Daylight ASCII fingerprint

>>> from_daylight("I5Z2MLZgOKRcR...1")
(None, 'PyDaylight')

See the implementation for format details.

chemfp.encodings.from_on_bit_positions(text, num_bits=1024, separator=" ")

Decode from a list of integers describing the location of the on bits

>>> from_on_bit_positions("1 4 9 63", num_bits=32)
(32, '\x12\x02\x00\x80')
>>> from_on_bit_positions("1,4,9,63", num_bits=64, separator=",")
(64, '\x12\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80')

The text contains a sequence of non-negative integer values separated by the separator text. Bit positions are folded modulo num_bits.

This is often used to convert sparse fingerprints into a dense fingerprint.

chemfp.fps_io module

This module is part of the private API. Do not import it directly.

The function returns an FPSReader if the source is an FPS file. The function chemfp.open_fingerprint_writer() returns an FPSWriter if the destination is an FPS file.


class chemfp.fps_io.FPSReader

FPS file reader

This class implements the chemfp.FingerprintReader API. It is also its own a context manager, which automatically closes the file when the manager exists.

The public attributes are:


a chemfp.Metadata instance with information about the fingerprint type


a instance with parser location and state information


True if the file is open, else False

The FPSReader.location only tracks the “lineno” variable.


Iterate through the (id, fp) pairs


iterate through arena_size fingerprints at a time, as subarenas

Iterate through arena_size fingerprints at a time, returned as chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena instances. The arenas are in input order and not reordered by popcount.

This method helps trade off between performance and memory use. Working with arenas is often faster than processing one fingerprint at a time, but if the file is very large then you might run out of memory, or get bored while waiting to process all of the fingerprint before getting the first answer.

If arena_size is None then this makes an iterator which returns a single arena containing all of the fingerprints.

Parameters:arena_size (positive integer, or None) – The number of fingerprints to put into each arena.
Returns:an iterator of chemfp.arena.FingerprintArena instances
save(destination, format=None)

Save the fingerprints to a given destination and format

The output format is based on the format. If the format is None then the format depends on the destination file extension. If the extension isn’t recognized then the fingerprints will be saved in “fps” format.

If the output format is “fps” or “fps.gz” then destination may be a filename, a file object, or None; None writes to stdout.

If the output format is “fpb” then destination must be a filename.

  • destination (a filename, file object, or None) – the output destination
  • format (None, "fps", "fps.gz", or "fpb") – the output format



Get the fingerprint type object based on the metadata’s type field

This uses self.metadata.type to get the fingerprint type string then calls chemfp.get_fingerprint_type() to get and return a chemfp.types.FingerprintType instance.

This will raise a TypeError if there is no metadata, and a ValueError if the type field was invalid or the fingerprint type isn’t available.

Returns:a chemfp.types.FingerprintType

Close the file

count_tanimoto_hits_fp(query_fp, threshold=0.7)

Count the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Return the number of fingerprints in the reader which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint query_fp.

  • query_fp (byte string) – query fingerprint
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

integer count

count_tanimoto_hits_arena(queries, threshold=0.7)

Count the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to each query fingerprint

Returns a list containing a count for each query fingerprint in the queries arena. The count is the number of fingerprints in the reader which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint.

The order of results is the same as the order of the queries.

  • queries (a FingerprintArena) – query fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

list of integer counts, one for each query

threshold_tanimoto_search_fp(query_fp, threshold=0.7)

Find the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Find all of the fingerprints in this reader which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint query_fp. The hits are returned as a SearchResult, in arbitrary order.

  • query_fp (byte string) – query fingerprint
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResult

threshold_tanimoto_search_arena(queries, threshold=0.7)

Find the fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to each of the query fingerprints

For each fingerprint in the queries arena, find all of the fingerprints in this arena which are at least threshold similar. The hits are returned as a SearchResults, where the hits in each SearchResult is in arbitrary order.

  • queries (a FingerprintArena) – query fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResults

knearest_tanimoto_search_fp(query_fp, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Find the k-nearest fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to the query fingerprint

Find all of the fingerprints in this reader which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint, and of those, select the top k hits. The hits are returned as a SearchResult, sorted from highest score to lowest.

  • queries (a FingerprintArena) – query fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResult

knearest_tanimoto_search_arena(queries, k=3, threshold=0.7)

Find the k-nearest fingerprints which are sufficiently similar to each of the query fingerprints

For each fingerprint in the queries arena, find the fingerprints in this reader which are at least threshold similar to the query fingerprint, and of those, select the top k hits. The hits are returned as a SearchResults, where the hits in each SearchResult are sorted by similarity score.

  • queries (a FingerprintArena) – query fingerprints
  • threshold (float between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive) – minimum similarity threshold (default: 0.7)

a SearchResults


class chemfp.fps_io.FPSWriter

Write fingerprints in FPS format.

This is a subclass of chemfp.FingerprintWriter.

Instances have the following attributes:

An FPSWriter is its own context manager, and will close the output file on context exit.

The Location instance supports the “recno”, “output_recno”, and “lineno” properties.

write_fingerprint(id, fp)

Write a single fingerprint record with the given id and fp

  • id (string) – the record identifier
  • fp (bytes) – the fingerprint

Write a sequence of fingerprint records

Parameters:id_fp_pairs – An iterable of (id, fingerprint) pairs.

Close the writer

This will set self.closed to False. module

This module implements a single public class, Location, which tracks parser state information, including the location of the current record in the file. The other functions and classes are undocumented, should not be used, and may change in future releases.



Get location and other internal reader and writer state information

A Location instance gives a way to access information like the current record number, line number, and molecule object.:

>>> import chemfp
>>> with chemfp.read_molecule_fingerprints("RDKit-MACCS166",
...                        "ChEBI_lite.sdf.gz", id_tag="ChEBI ID") as reader:
...   for id, fp in reader:
...     if id == "CHEBI:3499":
...         print("Record starts at line", reader.location.lineno)
...         print("Record byte range:", reader.location.offsets)
...         print("Number of atoms:", reader.location.mol.GetNumAtoms())
...         break
[08:18:12]  S group MUL ignored on line 103
Record starts at line 3599
Record byte range: (138171, 141791)
Number of atoms: 36

The supported properties are:

  • filename - a string describing the source or destination
  • lineno - the line number for the start of the file
  • mol - the toolkit molecule for the current record
  • offsets - the (start, end) byte positions for the current record
  • output_recno - the number of records written successfully
  • recno - the current record number
  • record - the record as a text string
  • record_format - the record format, like “sdf” or “can”

Most of the readers and writers do not support all of the properties. Unsupported properties return a None. The filename is a read/write attribute and the other attributes are read-only.

If you don’t pass a location to the readers and writers then they will create a new one based on the source or destination, respectively. You can also pass in your own Location, created as Location(filename) if you have an actual filename, or Location.from_source(source) or Location.from_destination(destination) if you have a more generic source or destination.


Use filename as the location’s filename

from_source(cls, source)

Create a Location instance based on the source

If source is a string then it’s used as the filename. If source is None then the location filename is “<stdin>”. If source is a file object then its name attribute is used as the filename, or None if there is no attribute.

from_destination(cls, destination)

Create a Location instance based on the destination

If destination is a string then it’s used as the filename. If destination is None then the location filename is “<stdout>”. If destination is a file object then its name attribute is used as the filename, or None if there is no attribute.


Return a string like ‘Location(“<stdout>”)’


Read-only attribute.

The first line of the current record


Read/write attribute.

A string which describes the source or destination. This is usually the source or destination filename but can be a string like “<stdin>” or “<stdout>”.


Read-only attribute.

The molecule object for the current record


Read-only attribute.

The (start, end) byte offsets, starting from 0

start is the record start byte position and end is one byte past the last byte of the record.


Read-only attribute.

The number of records actually written to the file or string.

The value recno - output_recno is the number of records sent to the writer but which had an error and could not be written to the output.


Read-only attribute.

The current record number

For writers this is the number of records sent to the writer, and output_recno is the number of records sucessfully written to the file or string.


Read-only attribute.

The current record as an uncompressed text string


Read-only attribute.

The record format name


Return a human readable description about the current reader or writer state.

The description will contain the filename, line number, record number, and up to the first 40 characters of the first line of the record, if those properties are available.