Help for the command-line tools

The chemfp command-line tools are:

  • fpcat - merge multiple fingerprint files into one
  • ob2fps - use Open Babel to generate fingerprints
  • oe2fps - use OEChem/OEGraphSim to generate fingerprints
  • rdkit2fps - use RDKit to generate fingerprints
  • cdk2fps - use CDK to generate fingerprints
  • sdf2fps - extract fingerprints from an SD file
  • simsearch - search a fingerprint file for similar fingerprints

fpcat command-line options

The following comes from fpcat --help:

usage: fpcat [-h] [--in FORMAT] [--merge] [-o FILENAME] [--out FORMAT]
                [--level LEVEL] [--reorder] [--preserve-order] [--alignment N]
                [--show-progress] [--max-spool-size SIZE] [--tmpdir DIRNAME]
                [--version] [--license-check]
                [filename ...]

Combine multiple fingerprint files into a single file.

positional arguments:
  filename              input fingerprint filenames (default: use stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --in FORMAT           input fingerprint format. One of fps or fpb (with
                        optional gz or zst compression), or flush. (default
                        guesses from filename or is fps)
  --merge               assume the input fingerprint files are in popcount
                        order and do a merge sort
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
  --out FORMAT          output fingerprint format. One of fps, fps.gz,
                        fps.zst, fpb, or flush. (default guesses from output
                        filename, or is 'fps')
  --level LEVEL         compression level. Must be a positive integer or one
                        of 'min', 'default', or 'max'.
  --reorder             reorder the output fingerprints by popcount (default
                        for FPB output)
  --preserve-order      save the output fingerprints in the same order as the
                        input (default for FPS output)
  --alignment N         alignment size when saving a FPB file (default=8)
  --show-progress       show progress
  --max-spool-size SIZE
                        use temporary files for extra storage space for huge
                        FPB files (default uses RAM)
  --tmpdir DIRNAME      directory for the temporary files (default uses the
                        system temp directory)
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.


fpcat can be used to convert between FPS and FPB formats. This is
handy if you want to see what's inside of an FPB file:

    fpcat fingerprints.fpb

You can use also use fpcat to make an FPB file from an FPS file:

    fpcat fingerprints.fps -o fingerprints.fpb

You might have generated a set of FPS file which you want to merge
into a single FPB. (For example, you might have used GNU parallel to
generate FPS files for each of the PubChem files, which you want to
merge into a single file.):

    fpcat Compound_*.fps -o pubchem.fpb

By default the FPB format sorts the fingerprints by popcount. (Use
--preserve-order if you really want to preserve the input order.)  The
sort overhead for PubChem uses about 10 GB of RAM. If you don't have
that much memory then ask fpcat to use less memory:

    fpcat --max-spool-size 1GB Compound_*.fps -o pubchem.fpb

This will use about 2 GB of RAM and the --tmpdir for the rest. (Yes,
it would be nice if I could get those two memory size numbers to

The --merge option is experimental. Use it if the input fingerprints
are in popcount order, because sorted output is a simple merge sort of
the individual sorted inputs. However, this option opens all input
files at the same time, which may exceed your resource limit on file
descriptors. The current implementation also requires a lot of disk
seeks so is slow for many files.

The flush format is only available if the chemfp_converter package was

ob2fps command-line options

The following comes from ob2fps --help:

usage: ob2fps [-h]
              [--FP2 | --FP3 | --FP4 | --MACCS | --ECFP0 | --ECFP2 | --ECFP4 |
               --ECFP6 | --ECFP8 | --ECFP10 | --substruct | --rdmaccs | --rdmaccs/1]
              [--nBits INT] [--id-tag NAME] [--type TYPE_STRING] [--using FILENAME] [--in FORMAT]
              [-o FILENAME] [--out FORMAT] [--errors {strict,report,ignore}] [--help-formats]
              [-R NAME=VALUE] [--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}] [--has-header]
              [--version] [--license-check]
              [filenames ...]

Generate FPS or FPB fingerprints from a structure file using Open Babel

positional arguments:
  filenames             input structure files (default is stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --FP2                 linear fragments up to 7 atoms
  --FP3                 SMARTS patterns specified in the file patterns.txt
  --FP4                 SMARTS patterns specified in the file SMARTS_InteLigand.txt
  --MACCS               Open Babel's implementation of the MACCS 166 keys
  --ECFP0               ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 0
  --ECFP2               ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 2
  --ECFP4               ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 4
  --ECFP6               ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 6
  --ECFP8               ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 8
  --ECFP10              ECFP (circular) fingerprints with diameter 10
  --substruct           ChemFP substructure fingerprints
  --rdmaccs, --rdmaccs/2
                        166 bit RDKit/MACCS fingerprints (version 2)
  --rdmaccs/1           use the version 1 definition for --rdmaccs
  --id-tag NAME         tag name containing the record id (SD files only)
  --type TYPE_STRING    Specify a chemfp type string
--using FILENAME      Get the fingerprint type from the metadata of a fingerprint file
--in FORMAT           input structure format (default autodetects from the filename extension)
                      save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
--out FORMAT          output structure format (default guesses from output filename, or is
--errors {strict,report,ignore}
                      how should structure parse errors be handled? (default=ignore)
--help-formats        list the available formats and reader arguments
-R NAME=VALUE         specify a reader argument
--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}
                      delimiter style for SMILES and InChI files. Alias for '-R
--has-header          Skip the first line of a SMILES or InChI file Alias for '-R has_header=1'
--version             show program's version number and exit
--license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.

ECFP argument:
  --nBits INT           number of bits in the fingerprint (default=4096)

By default the Open Babel structure reader determines the file format
and compression type based on the filename extension. Unknown
filename extensions are treated as a uncompressed SMILES files.

If the data comes from stdin, or the guess based on extension name is
wrong, then use "--in FORMAT" option to change the default input format.
For examples:

   --in smi
   --in sdf.gz

Use `-R` to specify format-specific reader arguments.

Use `--help-formats` for a list of available formats and reader arguments.

The following comes from ob2fps --help-formats, though I’ve removed most of the Open Babel formats from the list.

chemfp has special support for the SMILES, InChI, and SDF formats when
using the Open Babel toolkit.

For these formats, by default, chemfp uses the filename extension to
determine the format type. If the filename ends with ".gz" or ".zst"
then it is intepreted as a gzip or Zstandard compressed file, and the
second-to-last extension is used to determine the format type. Unknown
or unsupported extensions are then tested against Open Babel format
names (see below), and if still unknown, interpreted as a SMILES file.

Note: To enable Zstandard compression, please install the "zstandard"
Python package from .

You will need to use "-R implementation=chemfp" to enable zst support for
the SDF format.

You may instead specify the file format by name (see below), which is
especially important when reading from stdin, which has no associated
filename extension.

These specially supported filename extensions are:

   File Type    Extension(s)
   ==========   =============
     SMILES     can, ism, isosmi, smi, usm
      SDF       sdf
     InChI      inchi

The format can also be specified by name using the '--in' option:

   File Type    Format name (append .gz or .zst if compressed)
   ==========   ===========
     SMILES     smi, can, usm
      SDF       sdf
     InChI      inchi

The input format parsers can be configured with the "-R" option. For
examples, the following reader arguments tell the SMILES readers that
the fields are whitespace delimited and the first line is a header.

   -R delimiter=whitespace -R has_header=true

All of the readers support the 'options' reader argument, which is a
string passed directly to OBConversion(). This is a compact way to
encode all of the Open Babel parameters used in the conversion. For
example, 'ab"text"', would set option 'a' to True, and option 'b' to
the string "text".

The SMILES format parsers use two additional reader arguments:
   * 'delimiter' specifies the delimiter type. The default is 'to-eol'.
     The other values are 'tab', 'whitespace', 'space' and 'native'.
     Use "-R delimiter=native" to match Open Babel's native delimiter
     style, which is 'to-eol'.
   * 'has_header', if false will skip the first line
     of the SMILES file (because it is a header line).

The SDF format parser supports one additional reader argument:
   * 'implementation': if "openbabel" or "native", use Open Babel's
     native SDF parser. If "chemfp" use chemfp's own implementation
     to find SDF records, which are then passed to Open Babel for
     parsing. This gives more fine-grained error reporting, and
     supports zst compression, and with similar performance.
  (Note: Open Babel supports additional options.)

The InChI format parser supports one additional reader argument:
   * 'delimiter' works the same as it does for the SMILES formats

In addition, you may specify an Open Babel formats, either by one of
the following format names, or by reading a filename ending with one
of the format names, optionally with a .gz suffix. Zstandard
compression is not supported by the native Open Babel reader.

  Format  Description and options
========= ==========================
            s  Output single bonds only
            b  Disable bonding entirely
  CONTFF  MDFF format
           .... many lines removed from the chemfp documentation ...
xyz    XYZ cartesian coordinates format
           s  Output single bonds only
           b  Disable bonding entirely
yob YOB format

You will need to consult the Open Babel documentation
(see ) and
implementation for full details about how these options work.

oe2fps command-line options

The following comes from oe2fps --help:

usage: oe2fps [-h] [--path] [--circular] [--tree] [--numbits INT] [--minbonds INT]
              [--maxbonds INT] [--minradius INT] [--maxradius INT] [--atype ATYPE] [--btype BTYPE]
              [--maccs166] [--substruct] [--rdmaccs] [--rdmaccs/1] [--aromaticity NAME]
              [--id-tag NAME] [--type TYPE_STRING] [--using FILENAME] [--in FORMAT] [-o FILENAME]
              [--out FORMAT] [--errors {strict,report,ignore}] [--help-formats] [-R NAME=VALUE]
              [--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}] [--has-header] [--version]
              [filenames ...]

Generate FPS or FPB fingerprints from a structure file using OEChem

positional arguments:
  filenames             input structure files (default is stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --aromaticity NAME    use the named aromaticity model (same as '-R aromaticity=NAME')
  --id-tag NAME         tag name containing the record id (SD files only)
  --type TYPE_STRING    Specify a chemfp type string
  --using FILENAME      Get the fingerprint type from the metadata of a fingerprint file
  --in FORMAT           input structure format (default guesses from filename)
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
  --out FORMAT          output structure format (default guesses from output filename, or is
  --errors {strict,report,ignore}
                        how should structure parse errors be handled? (default=ignore)
  --help-formats        list the available formats and reader arguments
  -R NAME=VALUE         specify a reader argument
  --delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}
                        delimiter style for SMILES and InChI files. Alias for '-R
  --has-header          Skip the first line of a SMILES or InChI file Alias for '-R has_header=1'
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.

path, circular, and tree fingerprints:
  --path                generate path fingerprints (default)
  --circular            generate circular fingerprints
  --tree                generate tree fingerprints
  --numbits INT         number of bits in the fingerprint (default=4096)
  --minbonds INT        minimum number of bonds in the path or tree fingerprint (default=0)
  --maxbonds INT        maximum number of bonds in the path or tree fingerprint (path default=5,
                        tree default=4)
  --minradius INT       minimum radius for the circular fingerprint (default=0)
  --maxradius INT       maximum radius for the circular fingerprint (default=5)
  --atype ATYPE         atom type flags, described below (default=Default)
  --btype BTYPE         bond type flags, described below (default=Default)

166 bit MACCS substructure keys:
  --maccs166            generate MACCS fingerprints

881 bit ChemFP substructure keys:
  --substruct           generate ChemFP substructure fingerprints

ChemFP version of the 166 bit RDKit/MACCS keys:
  --rdmaccs, --rdmaccs/2
                        generate 166 bit RDKit/MACCS fingerprints (version 2)
  --rdmaccs/1           use the version 1 definition for --rdmaccs

ATYPE is one or more of the following, separated by the '|' character

  Arom AtmNum Chiral EqArom EqHBAcc EqHBDon EqHalo FCharge HCount HvyDeg
  Hyb InRing

The following shorthand terms and expansions are also available:
 DefaultPathAtom = AtmNum|Arom|Chiral|FCharge|HvyDeg|Hyb|EqHalo
 DefaultCircularAtom = AtmNum|Arom|Chiral|FCharge|HCount|EqHalo
 DefaultTreeAtom = AtmNum|Arom|Chiral|FCharge|HvyDeg|Hyb
and 'Default' selects the correct value for the specified fingerprint.

  --atype Default
  --atype "Arom|AtmNum|FCharge|HCount"
  --atype Arom,AtmNum,FCharge,HCount

BTYPE is one or more of the following, separated by the '|' character

  Chiral InRing Order

The following shorthand terms and expansions are also available:
 DefaultPathBond = Order|Chiral
 DefaultCircularBond = Order
 DefaultTreeBond = Order
and 'Default' selects the correct value for the specified fingerprint.

   --btype Default
   --btype Order|InRing

To simplify command-line use, a comma may be used instead of a '|' to
separate different fields. Example:
  --atype AtmNum,HvyDegree

By default, chemfp will use the filename extension to determine the
structure file format type and possible compression. Most of the file
readers support configuration parameters. Use the '-R' option to
specify those parameters.

Use '--help-formats' to list available formats and reader parameters.

The following comes from oe2fps --help-formats

These are the structure file formats that chemfp can read when using
the OEChem toolkit.

By default, chemfp uses the filename extension to determine the format
type. If the filename ends with ".gz" then it is intepreted as a gzip
compressed file, and the second-to-last extension is used to determine
the format type. Unknown or unsupported extensions are interpreted as
a SMILES file.

(The OEChem structure file readers do not support Zstandard

You may instead specify the file format by name (see below), which is
especially important when reading from stdin, which has no associated
filename extension.

The supported filename extensions are:

   File Type    Extension(s)
   ==========   =============
     SMILES     can, ism, isosmi, smi, usm
      SDF       mdl, rxn, sd, sdf
     InChI      inchi
  Tripos Mol2   mol2, mol2h
      PDB       ent, pdb
      XYZ       xyz
      SKC       skc
   Macromodel   mmd, mmod
  ChemDraw CDX  cdx
   OE binary    oeb
 OEB compressed oez
      CIF       cif
     mmCIF      mmcif
     FASTA      fasta
      CSV       csv

Append a '.gz' to the filename to indicate that the contents are

The format can also be specified by name using the '--in' option:

   File Type    Format name
   ==========   =============
     SMILES     smi, can, usm
      SDF       sdf
     InChI      inchi
  Tripos Mol2   mol2, mol2h
      PDB       pdb
      XYZ       xyz
      SKC       skc
   Macromodel   mmod
  ChemDraw CDX  cdx
   OE binary    oeb
 OEB compressed oez
      CIF       cif
     mmCIF      mmcif
     FASTA      fasta
      CSV       csv

Append a '.gz' to the format name to indicate that the contents are

The input format parsers can be configured with the "-R" option. For
example, the following reader arguments tell the SMILES readers that
the fields are whitespace delimited and the first line is a header.

   -R delimiter=whitespace -R has_header=true

All formats handle the following two reader arguments:

  aromaticity - one of 'openeye', 'daylight', 'tripos', 'mdl', or 'mmff'
      (this can also be set via the older '--aromaticity' command-line option)

  flavor - a '|' or ',' separated list of flavor names, or a numeric value.
       A leading '-' means to remove the given flavor. Examples include:

       o  Canon,Strict  -- the bitwise merger of the format's Canon and Strict values
       o  Default,-Kekule -- the format's Default flavor but without the Kekule bits
                      (every flavor has a Default)
       o  42  -- the specific OEChem flavor value 42

The SMILES and InChI formats also handle reader arguments for the
delimiter style and the presence of an initial header line using the

   delimiter - one of 'to-eol' (Daylight/OEChem style), 'tab',
        'whitespace', 'space', or 'native' (for the native toolkit style)

   has_header - '1' if the first line contains a header, else '0'.

The supported format, default reader arguments, and input flavors are:

Format: can
    aromaticity: openeye
    delimiter: to-eol
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: Canon, Strict
    has_header: 0

Format: cdx
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: SuperAtom
        available flags: SuperAtom

Format: cif
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: BondHydToClosest, BondOrder, FormalCrg, ImplicitH,
            NormalizeHydPos, OccFilterOneHalf, RemovePBCImages,
            RemoveQuestionMarkInLabel, Rings
        available flags: BondHydToClosest, BondOrder, FormalCrg, ImplicitH,
            NormalizeHydPos, OccFilterOneHalf, RemovePBCImages,
            RemoveQuestionMarkInLabel, Rings

Format: csv
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: Header
        available flags: Header

Format: fasta
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: CustomResidues, EmbeddedSMILES

Format: inchi
    aromaticity: <N/A>
    delimiter: to-eol
    flavor: Default
      no flavor flags available
    has_header: 0

Format: mmcif
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: NoAltLoc

Format: mmod
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: FormalCrg

Format: mol2
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: Forcefield, M2H

Format: mol2h
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: M2H
        available flags: M2H

Format: oeb
    aromaticity: <N/A>
    flavor: Default
      no flavor flags available

Format: oez
    aromaticity: <N/A>
    flavor: Default
      no flavor flags available

Format: pdb
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: BondOrder, Connect, END, ENDM, FormalCrg, ImplicitH,
            Rings, SecStruct
        available flags: ALL, ALTLOC, BondOrder, CHARGE, Connect, DATA, END,
            ENDM, FORMALCHARGE, FormalCrg, ImplicitH, RADIUS, Rings,
            SecStruct, TER

Format: sdf
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: FixBondMarks, SuppressEmptyMolSkip,

Format: skc
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
      no flavor flags available

Format: smi
    aromaticity: openeye
    delimiter: to-eol
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: Canon, Strict
    has_header: 0

Format: usm
    aromaticity: openeye
    delimiter: to-eol
    flavor: Default
        default flags: <none>
        available flags: Canon, Strict
    has_header: 0

Format: xyz
    aromaticity: openeye
    flavor: Default
        default flags: BondOrder, Connect, FormalCrg, ImplicitH, Rings
        available flags: BondOrder, Connect, FormalCrg, ImplicitH, Rings

for documentation about the flavors for each format.

rdkit2fps command-line options

The following comes from rdkit2fps --help:

usage: rdkit2fps [-h] [--fpSize INT] [--radius INT] [--nBitsPerEntry INT] [--includeChirality 0|1]
                 [--from-atoms INT,INT,...] [--RDK] [--minPath INT] [--maxPath INT]
                 [--nBitsPerHash INT] [--useHs 0|1] [--branchedPaths 0|1] [--useBondOrder 0|1]
                 [--morgan] [--useFeatures 0|1] [--useChirality 0|1] [--useBondTypes 0|1]
                 [--includeRedundantEnvironments 0|1] [--torsions] [--targetSize INT] [--pairs]
                 [--minLength INT] [--maxLength INT] [--use2D 0|1] [--maccs166] [--avalon]
                 [--isQuery 0_or_1] [--bitFlags INT] [--secfp] [--rings 0|1] [--isomeric 0|1]
                 [--kekulize 0|1] [--min_radius INT] [--pattern] [--substruct] [--rdmaccs]
                 [--rdmaccs/1] [--id-tag NAME] [--type TYPE_STRING] [--using FILENAME]
                 [--in FORMAT] [-o FILENAME] [--out FORMAT] [--errors {strict,report,ignore}]
                 [--help-formats] [-R NAME=VALUE] [--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}]
                 [--has-header] [--version]
                 [filenames ...]

Generate FPS or FPB fingerprints from a structure file using RDKit

positional arguments:
  filenames             input structure files (default is stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id-tag NAME         tag name containing the record id (SD files only)
  --type TYPE_STRING    Specify a chemfp type string
  --using FILENAME      Get the fingerprint type from the metadata of a fingerprint file
  --in FORMAT           input structure format (default guesses from filename)
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
  --out FORMAT          output structure format (default guesses from output filename, or is
  --errors {strict,report,ignore}
                        how should structure parse errors be handled? (default=ignore)
  --help-formats        list the available formats and reader arguments
  -R NAME=VALUE         specify a reader argument
  --delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}
                        delimiter style for SMILES and InChI files. Alias for '-R
  --has-header          Skip the first line of a SMILES or InChI file Alias for '-R has_header=1'
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Common Parameters (used by more than one fingerprint type):
  --fpSize INT          number of bits in the fingerprint. Default of 2048 for RDK, Morgan,
                        topological torsion, atom pair, pattern and SECFP fingerprints, and 512
                        for Avalon fingerprints
  --radius INT          radius for the Morgan or SECFP fingerprints. Default of 2 for Morgan, 3
                        for SECFP
  --nBitsPerEntry INT   number of bits per entry
  --includeChirality 0|1
                        include chirality information in the atom invariants
  --from-atoms INT,INT,...
                        fingerprint generation must use these atom indices (out of range indices
                        are ignored)

RDKit topological fingerprints:
  Branched or linear hash fingerprint.
  Uses --fpSize and --fromAtoms plus:

  --RDK                 generate RDK fingerprints (default)
  --minPath INT         minimum number of bonds to include in the subgraph (default=1)
  --maxPath INT         maximum number of bonds to include in the subgraph (default=7)
  --nBitsPerHash INT    number of bits to set per path (default=2)
  --useHs 0|1           include information about the number of hydrogens on each atom (default=1)
  --branchedPaths 0|1   if set both branched and unbranched paths will be used in the fingerprint
  --useBondOrder 0|1    if set both bond orders will be used in the path hashes (default=1)

RDKit Morgan fingerprints:
  Circular fingerprints similar to ECFP or FCFP fingerprints.
  Uses --fpSize, --radius, and --fromAtoms plus:

  --morgan              generate Morgan fingerprints
  --useFeatures 0|1     use chemical-feature invariants (default=0)
  --useChirality 0|1    include chirality information (default=0)
  --useBondTypes 0|1    include bond type information (default=1)
  --includeRedundantEnvironments 0|1
                        if set, the check for redundant atom environments will not be done

RDKit Topological Torsion fingerprints:
  See Nilakantan et al., JCICS 27, 82-85 (1987).
  Uses --fpSize, --nBitsPerEntry, --includeChirality, and --fromAtoms plus:

  --torsions            generate Topological Torsion fingerprints
  --targetSize INT      number of bonds per torsion (default=4)

RDKit Atom Pair fingerprints:
  See Carhart et al., JCICS 25, 64-73 (1985).
  Uses --fpSize, --nBitsPerEntry, --includeChirality, and --fromAtoms plus:

  --pairs               generate Atom Pair fingerprints
  --minLength INT       minimum bond count for a pair (default=1)
  --maxLength INT       maximum bond count for a pair (default=30)
  --use2D 0|1           use 2D instead of 3D distance matrix (default=1)

166 bit MACCS substructure keys:
  --maccs166            generate MACCS fingerprints

Avalon fingerprints:
  Fingerprints from the Avalon toolkit.
  Uses --fpSize plus:

  --avalon              generate Avalon fingerprints
  --isQuery 0_or_1      is the fingerprint for a query structure? (1 if yes, 0 if no) (default=0)
  --bitFlags INT        bit flags, SSSBits are 32767 and similarity bits are 15761407

SECFP fingerprints:
  A circular fingerprint based on fragment SMILES instead of hashing.
  Uses --fpSize and --radius plus:

  --secfp               generate SECFP fingerprints
  --rings 0|1           if 1, add SSSR ring to the fingerprint (default=1)
  --isomeric 0|1        if 1, use isomeric SMILES instead of non-isomeric SMILES (default=0)
  --kekulize 0|1        if 1, use Kekule SMILES instead of aromatic SMILES (default=1)
  --min_radius INT      minimum radius used to extract n-grams (default=1)

RDKit Pattern fingerprints:
  Fingerprints for substructure search screening.

  --pattern             generate (substructure) pattern fingerprints

chemfp's version of the 881 bit PubChem substructure keys:
  --substruct           generate ChemFP substructure fingerprints

chemfp's version of the 166 bit RDKit/MACCS keys:
  --rdmaccs, --rdmaccs/2
                        generate 166 bit RDKit/MACCS fingerprints (version 2)
  --rdmaccs/1           use the version 1 definition for --rdmaccs

This program guesses the input structure format and the compression
based on the filename extension. If the guess fails then it assumes
the input is an uncompressed SMILES file.

If the data comes from stdin, or the guess based on extension name is
wrong, then use "--in" to change the default input format.

Use the '-R' reader arguments option to pass in format-specific structure
reader arguments. The details depend on the specific format.

Use the command-line option `--help-formats` to display a list of
available formats and reader arguments.

The following comes from rdkit2fps --help-formats

These are the structure file formats that chemfp can read when using
the RDKit toolkit.

By default, chemfp uses the filename extension to determine the format
type. If the filename ends with ".gz" or ".zst" then it is intepreted
as a gzip or Zstandard compressed file, and the second-to-last
extension is used to determine the format type. Unknown or unsupported
extensions are interpreted as a SMILES file.

You may instead specify the file format by name (see below), which is
especially important when reading from stdin, which has no associated
filename extension.

The supported filename extensions are:

   File Type    Extension(s)
   ==========   =============
     SMILES     can, ism, isosmi, smi, usm
      SDF       mdl, sd, sdf
     InChI      inchi
  Tripos Mol2   mol2
      PDB       ent, pdb
    Maestro     mae, maegz
     FASTA      faa, fasta

The format can also be specified by name using the '--in' option:

   File Type    Format name (append .gz or .zst if compressed)
   ==========   ==============================================
     SMILES     smi, can, usm
      SDF       sdf
     InChI      inchi
  Tripos Mol2   mol2
      PDB       pdb
    Maestro     mae
     FASTA      fasta

The input format parsers can be configured with the "-R" option. For
example, the following reader arguments tell the SMILES readers that
the fields are whitespace delimited and the first line is a header.

   -R delimiter=whitespace -R has_header=true

All of the input formats implement the 'sanitize' option, which is
enabled by default. Use "-R sanitize=false" to disable sanitization.

The SMILES format parsers use two additional reader arguments:
   * 'delimiter' specifies the delimiter type. The default is 'to-eol'.
     The other values are 'tab', 'whitespace', 'space' and 'native'.
     Use "-R delimiter=native" to match RDKit's native delimiter
     style, which is 'whitespace'.
   * 'has_header', if false will skip the first line
     of the SMILES file (because it is a header line).

The SDF format parser supports two additional reader arguments:
   * 'strictParsing', if false will disable strict parsing
   * 'removeHs', if false will keep all of the hydrogens

The InChI format parser supports four additional reader arguments:
   * 'delimiter' works the same as it does for the SMILES formats
   * 'removeHs' works the same as it does for the SDF format
   * 'treatWarningAsError', if true treats all warnings as errors
   * 'logLevel' specifies the RDKit/InChI library log level, as an integer

The Tripos Mol2 format parser supports two additional reader arguments:
   * 'removeHs' works the same as it does for the SDF format
   * 'cleanupSubstructures' if false disables standardizing
      some substructures found in Mol2 files

The PDB format parser supports three additional reader arguments:
   * 'removeHs' works the same as it does for the SDF format
   * 'flavor', an input parameter with no documented meaning
   * 'proximityBonding', if false will disable automatic
       automatic proximity bonding

The Maestro format parser supports one additional reader argument:
   * 'removeHs' works the same as it does for the SDF format

The FASTA format parser supports one additional reader argument:
   * 'flavor', an integer from 0 to 9. The values mean:
       0 - the sequence contains L-amino acids
       1 - allow lowercase for D-amino acids
       2 - RNA with no cap        6 - DNA with no cap
       3 - RNA with 5' cap        7 - DNA with 5' cap
       4 - RNA with 3' cap        8 - DNA with 3' cap
       5 - RNA with both caps     9 - DNA with both caps

cdk2fps command-line options

The following comes from cdk2fps --help:

usage: cdk2fps [-h]
               [--type TYPE_STRING | --using FILENAME | --Daylight | --GraphOnly |
                --MACCS | --EState | --Extended | --Hybridization | --KlekotaRoth |
                --Pubchem | --Substructure | --ShortestPath | --ECFP0 | --ECFP2 |
               --ECFP4 | --ECFP6 | --FCFP0 | --FCFP2 | --FCFP4 | --FCFP6 |
               [--substruct] [--rdmaccs] [--rdmaccs/1] [--size INT] [--searchDepth INT]
               [--pathLimit INT] [--hashPseudoAtoms 0|1] [--perceiveStereochemistry 0|1]
               [--id-tag NAME] [--in FORMAT] [-o FILENAME] [--out FORMAT]
               [--errors {strict,report,ignore}] [--help-formats] [-R NAME=VALUE]
               [--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}] [--has-header] [--version]
               [filenames ...]

Generate FPS or FPB fingerprints from a structure file using CDK via JPype

positional arguments:
  filenames             input structure files (default is stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type TYPE_STRING    Specify a chemfp type string
  --using FILENAME      Get the fingerprint type from the metadata of a fingerprint file
  --Daylight            Make Daylight-like fingerprints using cdk.fingerprinter.Fingerprinter
  --GraphOnly           Make Daylight-like fingerprints (ignoring bond types) using
  --MACCS               Make 166-bit MACCS keys using MACCSFingerprinter
  --EState              Make 79-bit EState fingerprints using EStateFingerprinter
  --Extended            Make Daylight-like fingerprints extended with ring feature bits, using
  --Hybridization       Make Daylight-like fingerprints based on SP2 hybridization instead of
                        aromaticity, using HybridizationFingerprinter
  --KlekotaRoth         Make 4860-bit Klekota-Roth fingerprint, using KlekotaRothFingerprinter
  --Pubchem             Make 881-bit PubChem fingerprint, using PubchemFingerprinter
  --Substructure        Make 307-bit substructure fingerprint, using SubstructureFingerprinter
  --ShortestPath        Make fingerprints based on the shortest path between atoms, ring systems,
                        and more, using ShortestPathFingerprinter
  --ECFP0               Make ECFP0-like circular fingerprints, using
  --ECFP2               Make ECFP2-like circular fingerprints, using
  --ECFP4               Make ECFP4-like circular fingerprints, using
  --ECFP6               Make ECFP6-like circular fingerprints, using
  --FCFP0               Make FCFP0-like circular feature fingerprints, using
  --FCFP2               Make FCFP2-like circular feature fingerprints, using
  --FCFP4               Make FCFP4-like circular feature fingerprints, using
  --FCFP6               Make FCFP6-like circular feature fingerprints, using
  --AtomPairs2D         Make 780-bit atom-pair fingerprints adapted from Yap Chun Wei's PaDEL,
                        using AtomPairs2DFingerprinter
  --size INT            fingerprint size (default=1024)
  --searchDepth INT     search depth (default=7)
  --pathLimit INT       path limit (default=42000)
  --hashPseudoAtoms 0|1
                        include pseudo-atoms in path enumeration (default=0)
  --perceiveStereochemistry 0|1
                        re-perceive stereochemistry from 2D/3D coordinates (default=0)
  --id-tag NAME         tag name containing the record id (SD files only)
  --in FORMAT           input structure format (default autodetects from the filename extension)
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
  --out FORMAT          output structure format (default guesses from output filename, or is
  --errors {strict,report,ignore}
                        how should structure parse errors be handled? (default=ignore)
  --help-formats        list the available formats and reader arguments
  -R NAME=VALUE         specify a reader argument
  --delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}
                        delimiter style for SMILES and InChI files. Alias for '-R
  --has-header          Skip the first line of a SMILES or InChI file Alias for '-R has_header=1'
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.

By default the CDK structure reader determines the file format
and compression type based on the filename extension. Unknown
filename extensions are treated as a uncompressed SMILES files.

If the data comes from stdin, or the guess based on extension name is
wrong, then use "--in FORMAT" option to change the default input format.
For examples:

   --in smi
   --in sdf.gz

Use `-R` to specify format-specific reader arguments.

Use `--help-formats` for a list of available formats and reader arguments.

The following comes from cdk2fps --help-formats

These are the structure file formats that chemfp and read when using
the CDK toolkit.

By default, chemfp uses the filename extension to determine the format
type. If the filename ends with ".gz" or ".zst" then it is intepreted
as a gzip or Zstandard compressed file, and the second-to-last
extension is used to determine the format type. Unknown or unsupported
extensions are interpreted as a SMILES file.

Note: Zstandard support may depend the "zstandard" Python package
and/or the "zstd-jni" Java package. To install the Python package see . To get the Java jar file, see and place it in your CLASSPATH.

You may instead specify the file format by name (see below), which is
especially important when reading from stdin, which has no associated
filename extension.

The supported filename extensions are:

   File Type    Extension(s)
   ==========   =============
     SMILES     can, ism, isosmi, smi, usm
      SDF       mdl, sd, sdf
     InChI      inchi

The format can also be specified by name using the '--in' option:

   File Type    Format name (append .gz or .zst if compressed)
   ==========   ==============================================
     SMILES     smi, can, usm
      SDF       sdf
     InChI      inchi

The input format parsers can be configured with the "-R" option. For
example, the following reader arguments tell the SMILES readers that
the fields are whitespace delimited and the first line is a header.

   -R delimiter=whitespace -R has_header=true

The SMILES format parsers use two additional reader arguments:
   * 'delimiter' specifies the delimiter type. The default is 'to-eol'.
     The other values are 'tab', 'whitespace', 'space' and 'native'.
     Use "-R delimiter=native" to match RDKit's native delimiter
     style, which is 'whitespace'.
   * 'has_header', if false will skip the first line of the SMILES
     file (because it is a header line).
   * 'kekulise': The default of '1' will Kekulize the SMILES. Use '0'
     to skip this step.
   * 'implementation': The default 'cdk' uses CDK's IteratingSMILESReader()
     to parse the SMILES file. The 'chemfp' implementation uses chemfp's
     Python-based SMILES file parser and CDK's SmilesParser() to parse
     parse each SMILES string. The chemfp implementation is slower
     but may have better error-handling and/or reporting.

The SDF format parser supports five reader arguments:
   * 'mode' can be one of 'RELAXED' or 'STRICT'. The default relaxed
     mode supports some records with recoverable errors. The strict
     mode fails to parse those records.
   * 'ForceReadAs3DCoordinates', with the default of '0' interprets
     V2000 records where all z-coordinates == 0.0 as 2D records. The
     value '1' tells CDK to interpret all records as 3D.
   * 'AddStereoElements' with the default of '1' adds 0D stereochemistry
     to V2000 records. The value of '0' skips that step.
   * 'InterpretHydrogenIsotopes with the default of '1' interprets the
     atom symbols 'D' and 'T' as [2H] and [3H], respectively. Use
     '0' to disable this interpretation.
   * 'implementation': The default 'cdk' uses CDK's SDFReaderFactory()
     to parse the SD file. The 'chemfp' implementation uses chemfp's
     SD file parser to parse records, and CDK's MDLReader(),
     MDLV2000Reader(), or MDLV3000Reader() to parse each record. The
     chemfp implementation is about 50% slower than the cdk parser but
     may have better error-handling and/or reporting.

The InChI format parser supports one reader argument:
   * 'delimiter' works the same as it does for the SMILES formats

sdf2fps command-line options

The following comes from sdf2fps --help:

usage: sdf2fps [-h] [--id-tag TAG] [--fp-tag TAG] [--in FORMAT]
                  [--num-bits INT] [--errors {strict,report,ignore}]
                  [-o FILENAME] [--out FORMAT] [--software TEXT] [--type TEXT]
                  [--version] [--license-check] [--binary] [--binary-msb]
                  [--hex] [--hex-lsb] [--hex-msb] [--base64] [--cactvs]
                  [--daylight] [--decoder DECODER] [--pubchem]
                  [filenames ...]

Extract a fingerprint tag from an SD file and generate FPS or FPB fingerprints

positional arguments:
  filenames             input SD files (default is stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --id-tag TAG          get the record id from TAG instead of the first line
                        of the record
  --fp-tag TAG          get the fingerprint from tag TAG (required)
  --in FORMAT           Specify the input format (one of "sdf", "sdf.gz", or
  --num-bits INT        use the first INT bits of the input. Use only when the
                        last 1-7 bits of the last byte are not part of the
                        fingerprint. Unexpected errors will occur if these
                        bits are not all zero.
  --errors {strict,report,ignore}
                        how should structure parse errors be handled?
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        save the fingerprints to FILENAME (default=stdout)
  --out FORMAT          output format, one of 'fps', 'fps.gz', 'fps.zst',
                        'fpb', or 'flush' (default guesses from output
                        filename, or is 'fps')
  --software TEXT       use TEXT as the software description
  --type TEXT           use TEXT as the fingerprint type description
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.

Fingerprint decoding options:
  --binary              Encoded with the characters '0' and '1'. Bit #0 comes
                        first. Example: 00100000 encodes the value 4
  --binary-msb          Encoded with the characters '0' and '1'. Bit #0 comes
                        last. Example: 00000100 encodes the value 4
  --hex                 Hex encoded. Bit #0 is the first bit (1<<0) of the
                        first byte. Example: 01f2 encodes the value \x01\xf2 =
  --hex-lsb             Hex encoded. Bit #0 is the eigth bit (1<<7) of the
                        first byte. Example: 804f encodes the value \x01\xf2 =
  --hex-msb             Hex encoded. Bit #0 is the first bit (1<<0) of the
                        last byte. Example: f201 encodes the value \x01\xf2 =
  --base64              Base-64 encoded. Bit #0 is first bit (1<<0) of first
                        byte. Example: AfI= encodes value \x01\xf2 = 498
  --cactvs              CACTVS encoding, based on base64 and includes a
                        version and bit length
  --daylight            Daylight encoding, which is a base64 variant
  --decoder DECODER     import and use the DECODER function to decode the

  --pubchem             decode CACTVS substructure keys used in PubChem. Same as
                        --software=CACTVS/unknown --type 'CACTVS-E_SCREEN/1.0
                        extended=2' --fp-tag=PUBCHEM_CACTVS_SUBSKEYS --cactvs

simsearch command-line options

The following comes from simsearch --help:

usage: simsearch [-h] [-k K_NEAREST] [-t THRESHOLD] [--alpha ALPHA]
                    [--beta BETA] [--queries QUERIES] [--NxN] [--query QUERY]
                    [--hex-query HEX_QUERY] [--query-id QUERY_ID]
                    [--query-format FORMAT] [--target-format FORMAT]
                    [--query-type STRING] [--id-tag NAME]
                    [--errors {strict,report,ignore}] [-R NAME=VALUE]
                    [--delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}] [--has-header]
                    [-o FILENAME] [-c] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [--scan] [--memory]
                    [--no-mmap] [--times] [--version] [--license-check]

Search an FPS or FPB file for similar fingerprints

positional arguments:
  target_filename       target filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k K_NEAREST, --k-nearest K_NEAREST
                        select the k nearest neighbors (use 'all' for all
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        minimum similarity score threshold
  --alpha ALPHA         Tversky alpha parameter (default: 1.0)
  --beta BETA           Tversky beta parameter (default: the value of --alpha)
  --queries QUERIES, -q QUERIES
                        filename containing the query fingerprints
  --NxN                 use the targets as the queries, and exclude the self-
                        similarity term
  --query QUERY         query as a structure record (default format: 'smi')
  --hex-query HEX_QUERY
                        query in hex
  --query-id QUERY_ID   id for the query or hex-query (default: 'Query1'
  --query-format FORMAT, --in FORMAT
                        input query format (default uses the file extension,
                        else 'fps')
  --target-format FORMAT
                        input target format (default uses the file extension,
                        else 'fps')
  --query-type STRING   fingerprint type string if the queries are structures
                        (default: use the target fingerprint type)
  --id-tag NAME         tag containing the record id if --query-format is an
                        SD file)
  --errors {strict,report,ignore}
                        how should structure parse errors be handled?
  -R NAME=VALUE         specify a reader argument
  --delimiter {tab,whitespace,to-eol,space}
                        delimiter style for SMILES and InChI files. Alias for
                        '-R delimiter=VALUE'.
  --has-header          Skip the first line of a SMILES or InChI file Alias
                        for '-R has_header=1'
  -o FILENAME, --output FILENAME
                        output filename (default is stdout)
  -c, --count           report counts
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size
  --scan                scan the file to find matches (low memory overhead)
  --memory              build and search an in-memory data structure
                        (faster for multiple queries)
  --no-mmap             don't use mmap to read uncompressed FPB
                        files. May give better performance on
                        networked file systems, at the expense
                        of higher memory use.
  --times               report load and execution times to stderr
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --license-check       Check the license and report results to stdout.