chemfp.cdk\_toolkit module ======================================== .. automodule:: chemfp.cdk_toolkit :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: name The string "cdk". .. attribute:: software The string used in output file metadata to describe this version of CDK. For example, "CDK/2.8". .. Auto-generated using from utils using: python cdk --indent 4 .. attribute:: atom_pairs2d The available version of the 'CDK-AtomPairs2D' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKAtomPairs2DFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-AtomPairs2D/2.0 .. attribute:: daylight The available version of the 'CDK-Daylight' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKDaylightFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-Daylight/2.0 size=1024 searchDepth=7 pathLimit=42000 hashPseudoAtoms=0 .. attribute:: ecfp0 The available version of the 'CDK-ECFP0' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKECFP0FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-ECFP0/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: ecfp2 The available version of the 'CDK-ECFP2' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKECFP2FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-ECFP2/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: ecfp4 The available version of the 'CDK-ECFP4' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKECFP4FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-ECFP4/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: ecfp6 The available version of the 'CDK-ECFP6' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKECFP6FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-ECFP6/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: estate The available version of the 'CDK-EState' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKEStateFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-EState/2.0 .. attribute:: extended The available version of the 'CDK-Extended' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKExtendedFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-Extended/2.0 size=1024 searchDepth=7 pathLimit=42000 hashPseudoAtoms=0 .. attribute:: fcfp0 The available version of the 'CDK-FCFP0' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKFCFP0FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-FCFP0/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: fcfp2 The available version of the 'CDK-FCFP2' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKFCFP2FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-FCFP2/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: fcfp4 The available version of the 'CDK-FCFP4' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKFCFP4FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-FCFP4/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: fcfp6 The available version of the 'CDK-FCFP6' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKFCFP6FingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-FCFP6/2.0 size=1024 perceiveStereochemistry=0 .. attribute:: graph_only The available version of the 'CDK-GraphOnly' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKGraphOnlyFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-GraphOnly/2.0 size=1024 searchDepth=7 pathLimit=42000 hashPseudoAtoms=0 .. attribute:: hybridization The available version of the 'CDK-Hybridization' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKHybridizationFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-Hybridization/2.0 size=1024 searchDepth=7 pathLimit=42000 hashPseudoAtoms=0 .. attribute:: klekota_roth The available version of the 'CDK-KlekotaRoth' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKKlekotaRothFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-KlekotaRoth/2.0 .. attribute:: maccs The available version of the 'CDK-MACCS' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKMACCSFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-MACCS/2.0 .. attribute:: pubchem The available version of the 'CDK-Pubchem' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKPubchemFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-Pubchem/2.0 .. attribute:: shortest_path The available version of the 'CDK-ShortestPath' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKShortestPathFingerprintType_v27` with the full type:: CDK-ShortestPath/2.7 size=1024 .. attribute:: substructure The available version of the 'CDK-Substructure' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.cdk_types.CDKSubstructureFingerprintType_v20` with the full type:: CDK-Substructure/2.0