chemfp.openeye\_toolkit module ======================================== .. automodule:: chemfp.openeye_toolkit :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. attribute:: name The string "openeye". .. attribute:: software The string used in output file metadata to describe this version of OEChem. For example, "OEChem/20220607". .. Auto-generated using from utils using: python openeye --indent 4 .. attribute:: circular The available version of the 'OpenEye-Circular' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeCircularFingerprintType_v2` with the full type:: OpenEye-Circular/2 numbits=4096 minradius=0 maxradius=5 atype=Arom|AtmNum|Chiral|EqHalo|FCharge|HCount btype=Order .. attribute:: maccs166 The available version of the 'OpenEye-MACCS166' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeMACCSFingerprintType_v3` with the full type:: OpenEye-MACCS166/3 .. attribute:: mdl_screen The available version of the 'OpenEye-MDLScreen' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeMDLScreenFingerprintType_v1` with the full type:: OpenEye-MDLScreen/1 .. attribute:: molecule_screen The available version of the 'OpenEye-MoleculeScreen' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeMoleculeScreenFingerprintType_v1` with the full type:: OpenEye-MoleculeScreen/1 .. attribute:: path The available version of the 'OpenEye-Path' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyePathFingerprintType_v2` with the full type:: OpenEye-Path/2 numbits=4096 minbonds=0 maxbonds=5 atype=Arom|AtmNum|Chiral|EqHalo|FCharge|HvyDeg|Hyb btype=Order|Chiral .. attribute:: smarts_screen The available version of the 'OpenEye-SMARTSScreen' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeSMARTSScreenFingerprintType_v1` with the full type:: OpenEye-SMARTSScreen/1 .. attribute:: tree The available version of the 'OpenEye-Tree' fingerprint type, for example, an instance of :class:`chemfp.openeye_types.OpenEyeTreeFingerprintType_v2` with the full type:: OpenEye-Tree/2 numbits=4096 minbonds=0 maxbonds=4 atype=Arom|AtmNum|Chiral|FCharge|HvyDeg|Hyb btype=Order